galatea-associates / kafka-stress-test-poc

A stress testing application for Apache Kafka
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This is a proof of concept project for Kafka.

To be able to run this code, you need to install some requirements:

To run the Producer, execute the following command:

To run the Consumer, execute the following command:

Do note for either the -h (or --help) flag is available to show what flags are usable for either application.

How the project works:

The Producer runs multiple processes dependent on what is specified within the file. As a result, it is able to produce data to the kafka server synchronously. After a process has published some data, it awaits a response before continuing, hence blocking the process until a reply. Once a reply has been received, hence confirming receipt of the message sent to Kafka, the process increments a shared counter. This shared counter is created for each topic, and is shared by all processes publishing for that topic. If the counter exceeds a set limit then the thread is set on a busy wait, until the counter is reset to start sending again. This feature effectively puts a limit as to how many messages can be sent within a given allotted time period. An extra process for each topic is also a time counter process. This will time how many messages were published for a given topic within an allotted time period. At which point the shared counter will be reset to 0, to ensure that the other processes for the topic can restart. Then on closing all the processes created are terminated, and the list of number of messages sent within each time period is written to a csv file.

The Consumer runs similar to that of the producer, however instead of limiting the number of messages per allotted time period, it just counts the number of messages received within the time period.