galaxy-genome-annotation / python-apollo

Python library for talking to Apollo API
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arrow load_gff3 error #55

Open pwilx666 opened 2 years ago

pwilx666 commented 2 years ago

Hi, when I try to load a gff3 file using arrow:

arrow annotations load_gff3 --test "Uncinocarpus reesii 1704 [Aug 06, 2014]" "Uncinocarpis_reesei.gff"

I get the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pwilk/apollo_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/arrow/", line 16, in custom_exception return wrapped(*args, *kwargs) File "/home/pwilk/apollo_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/arrow/", line 46, in str_output print(wrapped(args, **kwargs)) File "/home/pwilk/apollo_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/arrow/commands/annotations/", line 51, in cli return, gff3, source=source, batch_size=batch_size, test=test, use_name=use_name, disable_cds_recalculation=disable_cds_recalculation, timing=timing) File "/home/pwilk/apollo_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/apollo/annotations/", line 1345, in load_gff3 raise Exception("Organism name or id not found [" + organism + "]") Exception: Organism name or id not found [Uncinocarpus reesii 1704 [Aug 06, 2014]]

Organism name or id not found [Uncinocarpus reesii 1704 [Aug 06, 2014]]

The organism is in Apollo and the name is correct as I can use arrow's show_organism command to display information on this organism:

arrow organisms show_organism "Uncinocarpus reesii 1704 [Aug 06, 2014]" { "commonName": "Uncinocarpus reesii 1704 [Aug 06, 2014]", "blatdb": "/data/apollo_data/twoBit/uree1704.2bit", "metadata": "{\"creator\":\"32\"}", "annotationCount": 0, "currentOrganism": false, "obsolete": false, "sequences": 44, "directory": "/data/apollo_data/uree1704", "publicMode": true, "valid": true, "genomeFastaIndex": "seq/uree1704.fa.fai", "genus": null, "species": null, "id": 2498934, "nonDefaultTranslationTable": null, "genomeFasta": "seq/uree1704.fa" }

I've tried this with other organisms in my local apollo instance and they also fail, does anyone have any idea why this is happening? I'm using apollo v2.6.5

hexylena commented 2 years ago

Wow! Someone else is using this, very cool :) Have you tried using the internal number of the organism? You can find this from one of the other arrow commands.

pwilx666 commented 2 years ago

Yes, I already tried using the internal id and get the same error unfortunately:

arrow annotations load_gff3 --test "2498934" "Uncinocarpis_reesei.gff" Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pwilk/apollo_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/arrow/", line 16, in custom_exception return wrapped(*args, *kwargs) File "/home/pwilk/apollo_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/arrow/", line 46, in str_output print(wrapped(args, **kwargs)) File "/home/pwilk/apollo_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/arrow/commands/annotations/", line 51, in cli return, gff3, source=source, batch_size=batch_size, test=test, use_name=use_name, disable_cds_recalculation=disable_cds_recalculation, timing=timing) File "/home/pwilk/apollo_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/apollo/annotations/", line 1345, in load_gff3 raise Exception("Organism name or id not found [" + organism + "]") Exception: Organism name or id not found [2498934]

Organism name or id not found [2498934]

It's weird as arrow works using the same commonName and internal id for other webservices.

hexylena commented 2 years ago

Very odd! You said this was a local Apollo, do the logs from Apollo give any useful indication? (You may need to set the logging configuration in apolloy-config.groovy)

pwilx666 commented 2 years ago

Hexylena, which version of arrow are you using? I've been trying and failing to upload the gff3 using arrow version 4.2.13 I found an old virtual environment on my machine that had arrow version 4.2.7 installed and when I tried the upload it works!

hexylena commented 2 years ago

Hey @pwilx666 I tried all versions between 4.2.7 and 4.2.13 and can't reproduce locally.

(.venv) 11:47:33|[hxr@cosima:/tmp/tmp.wPYnfmZJn1]130$ pip install apollo==4.2.13
Collecting apollo==4.2.13
Installing collected packages: apollo
  Attempting uninstall: apollo
    Found existing installation: apollo 4.2.12
    Uninstalling apollo-4.2.12:
      Successfully uninstalled apollo-4.2.12
Successfully installed apollo-4.2.13
(.venv) 11:47:35|[hxr@cosima:/tmp/tmp.wPYnfmZJn1]$ arrow annotations load_gff3 --test 'E. coli K12 (gx580)' ~/Downloads/augustus.gff3-NC_000913.3-1..100000.gff3
test success 79 features would have been loaded
test success 79 features would have been loaded

I'm not sure what's going on there for you. You could either try the different versions in between 4.2.7 and 13 to figure out where it breaks, (pip install apollo=4.2.X) or check the apollo logs, maybe there would be an indication of the difference, because I'm looking through the code and there's absolutely nothing clear :(

hexylena commented 2 years ago

I wondered if it is due to the [Aug,,,] but no

$ arrow annotations load_gff3 --test 'E. coli Uncinocarpus reesii 1704 [Aug 06, 2014] (gx580)' ~/Downloads/augustus.gff3-NC_000913.3-1..100000.gff3
test success 79 features would have been loaded
test success 79 features would have been loaded
abretaud commented 2 years ago

Odd, you're sure you're running arrow on the good server?