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[RFC] Temporarily marking storage backends as "temporarily down" #4974

Open hexylena opened 6 years ago

hexylena commented 6 years ago

We need to have a temporary downtime for one backend in our object store configuration that looks something like the following:

<object_store type="distributed" id="primary" order="0">
        <backend id="files1" type="disk" weight="10">
            <files_dir path="/data/1/" />
        <backend id="files2" type="disk" weight="0">
            <files_dir path="/data/2/" />

I'd like to propose a feature whereby we add an additional configuration option to the <backend /> structure, such as offline="true" which behaves as follows:

bgruening commented 6 years ago

Obviously I like this!

VJalili commented 6 years ago

What happens to the shared data persisted on offline storages?

hexylena commented 6 years ago

It is still there, just temporarily inaccessible to all users (and jobs can't be run on it, etc.) The idea is eventually the object store will be re-attached and then the datasets will be available again.

natefoo commented 6 years ago

Could this be done dynamically, possibly with some sort of health check? Unless Galaxy can be made to reload the object store on signal (or... something else, with uWSGI).

hexylena commented 6 years ago

If it could, a healthcheck sounds brilliant, better than forcing a restart to update it. I would not know how to implement it in a dynamic way though. There is I chance I have the ability to implement it in a static config-y way. (In case someone wants to give me some pointers.)