galderz / tsuna-vertxscala-example

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This project requires SBT 0.13.1 or higher. This SBT project can run a Vert.x Scala verticle in two different ways:

== Run with SBT compiling verticle

This is the default mode of the SBT project. In this mode, SBT does the compilation of the Scala verticle and running it is done by the mod-lang-scala integration. To run, simply execute the following command and when the message shows that verticle has been successfully deployed, go to http://localhost:8080 and you should see Hello Scala World!:

sbt "run-main run scala:com.example.HelloWorldServer"

== Run with Vert.x Scala on-the-fly compilation

Alternatively, you can let the Vert.x Scala integration do the compilation on the fly. This can be useful if you're trying to run a Vert.x Scala script as opposed to a fully defined Vert.x Scala class. To run using this method:

  1. Go to build.sbt and uncomment the fork := true option.

  2. Execute:

    sbt "run-main run src/main/scala/com/example/HelloWorldServer.scala"

  3. Go to http://localhost:8080

== Developer mode

This project can be run against a pre-release mod-lang-scala version, in which case:

  1. Change mod-lang-scala version in build.sbt and src/main/resources/ files

  2. Clone repository and apply your changes.

  3. Execute: ./gradlew clean install from the cloned repository

  4. Run sbt update on this example project

  5. Run according to one of the methods explained above.