galio-org / galio-starter-kit

Galio's starter kit is an app you can use to see what you can create with our library
MIT License
181 stars 70 forks source link

This command requires Expo CLI #24

Open bigoper opened 3 years ago

bigoper commented 3 years ago


Following the docs for installation, I keep getting the following output:

This command requires Expo CLI.
Do you want to install it globally [Y/n]?

entering "Enter" or "Y", resume the installation, but it keeps repeating itself, over and over again.

> @galio-org/galio@1.1.0 start /Users/aviivgi/Documents/projects/
> expo start

This command requires Expo CLI.
Do you want to install it globally [Y/n]? Y
Installing the package 'expo-cli'...
Expo CLI installed. You can run `expo --help` for instructions.
This command requires Expo CLI.
Do you want to install it globally [Y/n]?


node: v15.0.1
npm: 6.14.11
yarn install
yarn install v1.22.10
[1/4] 🔍  Resolving packages...
success Already up-to-date.
✨  Done in 0.53s.
Heumitch commented 2 years ago

I have exactly the same problem, have found the solution by chance