gamcil / clinker

Gene cluster comparison figure generator
MIT License
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the legend #95

Closed Oelsakha closed 1 year ago

Oelsakha commented 1 year ago

Hi all thank you for nice tool, it works great. however is there is any way to name the legend automatically because I have 41 gene and the colors are very near and so confusing.

gamcil commented 1 year ago

Hey @Oelsakha, not within the visualisation itself unfortunately. The closest way would be to use the --gene-functions table (shown here: This would allow you to create groups manually in a text file which are then used in the visualisation.

Oelsakha commented 1 year ago

That is great, it reduces the legend so much and makes it more organized. But I have a new problem==> the clusters are duplicated in plots I can say I have 3 clusters and it give me 6 groups.

Oelsakha commented 1 year ago

That is great, it reduces the legend so much and makes it more organized. But I have a new problem==> the clusters are duplicated in plot I attached a photo for explanation:

Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 5 31 42 AM
Oelsakha commented 1 year ago

Never mind for the plot problem it solved. Thank you again for your help.