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Vanish Bug #1646

Closed benhebba closed 1 month ago

benhebba commented 1 month ago

Description: Hey a little problème with vanish. Vanish is Removing the (Debuff) on the target For Example : Deadly poison or Rupture like As soon as u press Vanish whatever Debuff u have on the target (rupture or deadly poison) it's instant Removed.

How to reproduce:

How it should work: Vanish shouldn't be removing Any debuff from the Target

Database links: Example how Vanish should work "at 1:20"

Riztazz commented 1 month ago

I cannot reproduce this in either PVP nor PVE, the only case i can see it happen when you fight the creature alone and it evades right away which is correct behavior. How can i reproduce this?

benhebba commented 1 month ago

Yes correct but still even if ur fighting The dummy Alone shouldn't be removing the Debuffs when u vanish at some point it's bugging for me 40% of the time ,for Example sometimes when ur fighting The boss and u vanish it's removed the debuff sometimes not ,i guess it's because of the reason that ur lossing the debuff when ur fighting the dummy i'm saying is not all the time on boss but it's happening sometimes .

Riztazz commented 1 month ago

It's a normal mechanic, you fight, you evade the creature, the creature goes back home. In case of dummies home is where they stood. But i'll adjust how dummies in particular evade (only dummies) because they've been bothering me for a while during tests. It won't help much with vanish and dummies though, you need someone to attack them alongside you to keep them in combat for you to not lose auras when you vanish (on dummy or any other creature)

I cannot reproduce the case where bosses lose my debuffs when i vanish, i've tried to reproduce it in many ways and the dots are always there as long as boss is in combat, especially raid bosses. Any chance i could get a video of it happening?