Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago
I currently use Build Pipeline to manage/view some Build Flow jobs, and I've
noticed a potentially easier work around than what I've seen in the last few
comments. I have two flows: Dev-Flow (which is automatically triggered by the
upstream individual compile jobs); and Test-Flow, which is tied to Dev-Flow as
'Manually Execute Downstream Project'.
From the Build Pipeline view, when I click on the manual trigger for Test-Flow,
following a successful Dev-Flow, the first job always fails, and no information
is passed between the two. When I click it a second a time, the "upstream"
information *is* passed, and Test-Flow picks it up with this DSL:
build( "Deploy",
CONTEXT_PATH: upstream.buildVariables.CONTEXT_PATH,
INITIAL_JOB_NAME: upstream.buildVariables.INITIAL_JOB_NAME,
These are explicit parameters that I've defined upstream, so, you may need to
pass any of Jenkins's own ENV parameters to your own parameter (i.e.,
THE_SVN_REV_I_REALLY_CARE_ABOUT) and continue to define that parameter for each
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2013 at 3:44
I've been using 1.3.4-SNAPSHOT for a while now and I feel it solves the issue
and would like to have the version finalized and issue solved. But it does not
solve issue 53 which could be reopened. Issue 53 clearly describes that a
manual input should take place. This one does not(?).
This is how I use 1.3.4-SNAPSHOT now:
1. Build
2. Manual trigger parametrized build sending build number as so
3. Parameterized build takes one param BUILD_SELECTOR
4. Parameterized build copies artifact from triggered build from BUILD_SELECTOR
(Copy Artifact Plugin)
5. Runs deployment of artifact
This works for now, but it would of course be useful to have manual input
(issue 53). Alternative to build_selector could be sending revision number.
Relasing and picking release-version number would require relying on automatic
bumping or committing final versions to your repo before triggering I would
Original comment by judoole
on 12 Mar 2013 at 9:50
For a pipeline plugin, it is very crucial to provide the feature of manually
triggering a downstream job with a prompt for the input parameters, how they
are defined in the build job (which is triggered).
When can we expect this feature?
Original comment by
on 16 Apr 2013 at 6:35
Same question from me. We need manual trigerring with user-specified
parameters. Can we expect this any time soon?
Original comment by
on 18 Apr 2013 at 11:25
I've been waiting this for years
Original comment by
on 18 Apr 2013 at 11:31
Seems like this repo is moved and no longer maintained. From the frontpage:
"So, we will be moving back to the Jenkins ecosystem in April 2013.
Unfortunately we won't be able to bring the issues across, so we will leave
them here for reference.."
Seems perhaps it has been moved here:
Although it doesn't seem to be much signs of life there.
Last commit to the source code here was by Kohsuke March 3.
My opinion is that this issuesystem and maintaining the site on is cumbersome and should be replaced by a Github
repo. Ref issue #160 which I added.
I wonder if any developers are watching or maintaining this repo at all.
Original comment by judoole
on 18 Apr 2013 at 12:05
Interesting. Kohsuke made a ton of changes - far more than the main committers
have since the last release. I've been trying to get Centrum Systems people to
deal with issues that were introduced with the last release July 2012, and to
look at code since September. Not a peep.
They want more people to contribute, but they seem to put in the time
themselves and don't keep us informed about what's going on. Very frustrating.
Original comment by
on 18 Apr 2013 at 3:59
Adding my voice to the chorus
Original comment by
on 18 Apr 2013 at 9:21
Update on issue #160, seems like the GitHub-repo exists.
Original comment by judoole
on 18 Apr 2013 at 9:26
I meant to write "they _don't_ seem to".
Original comment by
on 19 Apr 2013 at 4:38
Guys, this is a huge issue for us. With have about 30 application jobs all
reusing a parameterized deploy-uat downstream job, but only the first
downstream job actually has the upstream parameters (using the groovy script
workaround). The others don't have access to them.
That means that currently, we're duplicating the deploy-uat project (and three
other environments) per application job.
In other words, 30 app-jobs * 4 deploy-env jobs = 120 jobs, just to manually
deploy using the pipeline plugin. 120 instead of 4 jobs. We need this
functionality. We're considering a move to Bamboo because of this limitation.
Original comment by b.bottema
on 31 May 2013 at 4:33
Added a ticket on Jenkins:
as well as on the Github repo issue tracker:
Original comment by b.bottema
on 31 May 2013 at 5:19
not sure if this is a workaround for your problem, but i used two small
curl-calls to retrieve missing parameters via the JSON-API from the upstream
build of my manual build:
export UPSTREAM_BUILD_NR=$(curl ${BUILD_URL}/api/json|grep -Eo
'upstreamBuild":[0-9]+'|grep -Eo "[0-9]+"|tr -d ' ')
"${JENKINS_URL}/job/upstreamjobname/${UPSTREAM_BUILD_NR}/api/json" | grep -Eo
'SVN_REVISION","value":"[0-9]+"'|grep -Eo '[0-9]+')
Original comment by
on 2 Jul 2013 at 7:38
I looked up the /api/json for both deploy builds and noticed that the
parameters are the same despite being triggered by different upstream builds in
two seperate pipelines.
Also, I noticed the build-pipeline plugin modified the <publishers/> tag of the
downstream project during the first deploy build, but with the second the
publisher tag is left unmodified.
In effect, the downstream project deployed the same application twice.
Original comment by
on 2 Jul 2013 at 12:34
We need this too.
Original comment by
on 26 Mar 2014 at 1:55
Issue is still present. Please vote for it here:
Original comment by
on 16 Jul 2014 at 1:31
Original issue reported on by
on 7 Jul 2011 at 8:14Attachments: