gauravsoni119 / ng2-tel-input

MIT License
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ng2-tel-input question #15

Open mattsson99 opened 6 years ago

mattsson99 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for a very good wrapper. I have some questions. How can i easily just got european countries in my list? Is there any way to get the dialcode into the input field when i choose a country?

gauravsoni119 commented 6 years ago

For custom country list you can check below example of orignal package:- In this package, you can provide this as

[ng2TelInputOptions]="{initialCountry: 'in', onlyCountries: ['al', 'ad', 'at', 'by', 'be', 'in']}"

For more info, you can check the orignal package.

akvaliya commented 4 years ago

I achieved dialcode with nationalMode: false option.