gazbert / bxbot

A simple Bitcoin trading bot written in Java.
MIT License
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KrakenAdaptor place order with expected precision #131

Closed maiph closed 3 years ago

maiph commented 3 years ago

Added a way for the Kraken adaptor to fetch the configuration from decimal values precision and place order accordingly.

Fixes #126

gazbert commented 3 years ago

Hi @maiph, thanks for the PR. Looks like a SpotBugs issue in the Travis build:

[ERROR] Low: com.gazbert.bxbot.exchanges.KrakenExchangeAdapter$KrakenAssetPairsConfig is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID [com.gazbert.bxbot.exchanges.KrakenExchangeAdapter$KrakenAssetPairsConfig] At[lines 656-675] SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID [INFO]

Happy to take a look if you've not got time.

Hopefully we can get a release out later this week :-)

maiph commented 3 years ago

I can take a look at it. Is there any way to run SpotBugs locally to check for other errors that may exist?

gazbert commented 3 years ago

I can take a look at it. Is there any way to run SpotBugs locally to check for other errors that may exist?

Sure, a ./mvnw clean install or ./gradlew build run locally should run SpotBugs as part of the build.

You can also run the spotbugs maven profile using ./mvnw clean install -P spotbugs


gazbert commented 3 years ago

Hi @maiph , I'm planing a release this week, be great to get your fix in. I can sort out the SpotBugs issue if you need me to :+1:

maiph commented 3 years ago

Hey @gazbert , I'll be busy the next few weeks so you can go ahead and wrap this up.


gazbert commented 3 years ago

Merging this into master and will fix the SID issue highlighted by SpotBugs.