I'm thinking the front page would be appropriate. We would surely want to keep it simple, so I'm thinking of a video of assembling the following ROM and running it in an emulator?
SECTION "Header", ROM0[$100]
jp Main
ds $150 - @, 0 ; Reserve some space for RGBFIX to fill in the header.
; Wait for VBlank.
ldh a, [rLY]
cp 144
jr nz, .waitVBlank
; Move the Nintendo logo left a little.
ldh a, [rSCX]
inc a
ldh [rSCX], a
; And keep going!
jr Main
I'm thinking the front page would be appropriate. We would surely want to keep it simple, so I'm thinking of a video of assembling the following ROM and running it in an emulator?
Originally posted by @ISSOtm in https://github.com/gbdev/rgbobj/issues/9#issuecomment-2275272797