gbif / backbone-feedback

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iNaturalist recognizes Nyctereutes viverrinus as a proper species, but observations of the taxon do not align to a higher rank on GBIF, so the data is not viewable on GBIF when navigating their taxonomic tree. #438

Open gbif-portal opened 4 years ago

gbif-portal commented 4 years ago

iNaturalist recognizes Nyctereutes viverrinus as a proper species, but observations of the taxon do not align to a higher rank on GBIF, so the data is not viewable on GBIF when navigating their taxonomic tree.

User: See in registry System: Chrome 80.0.3987 / Windows 10.0.0 Referer: Window size: width 1536 - height 722 API log&_a=(columns:!(_source),index:'prod-varnish-',interval:auto,query:(query_string:(analyze_wildcard:!t,query:'response:%3E499')),sort:!('@timestamp',desc))) Site log&_a=(columns:!(_source),index:'prod-portal-',interval:auto,query:(query_string:(analyze_wildcard:!t,query:'response:%3E499')),sort:!('@timestamp',desc))) System health at time of feedback: INFO datasetKey: 50c9509d-22c7-4a22-a47d-8c48425ef4a7 publishingOrgKey: 28eb1a3f-1c15-4a95-931a-4af90ecb574d

ManonGros commented 4 years ago

The backbone contains Nyctereutes procyonoides subsp. viverrinus Temminck, 1838 but no Nyctereutes viverrinus (I guess it should be included as a synonym/spelling variant?)

jhnwllr commented 3 years ago