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Wrong taxonomy: Homonymous bacterial and ciliate genera conflated #90

Open gbif-portal opened 10 months ago

gbif-portal commented 10 months ago

Wrong taxonomy: Homonymous bacterial and ciliate genera conflated

The bacterial genus Membranicola Li et al., 2016 (GBIF taxonID 9707714) is wrongly placed under Tintinnidae, a family of ciliates, instead of the homonymous ciliate genus Membranicola Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999 (GBIF taxonID 7381224).

See for example the LPSN record for the bacterium:

Membranicola marinus (taxonID 9139451) should be the child of the bacterial taxon 9707714

Membranicola tamari (taxonID 8129766) should be the child of the ciliate taxon 7381224, and the flag "published earlier than parent name" should be removed.

The 'doubtful' status for the ciliate genus should also be changed once validated.

Thank you!

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ManonGros commented 7 months ago

It looks like a problem when building our backbone taxonomy. It doesn't look like Catalogue of Life dataset contains the authorship for Membranicola. When adding record from the Prokaryotic Nomenclature Up-to-Date (PNU) dataset, I assume that Membranicola marinus Li et al., 2016 ( and its genus Membranicola Li et al., 2016 ( get matched to Membranicola.

Would this be resolved if the PNU dataset had a higher taxonomy? What do you think @mdoering ?

mdoering commented 7 months ago

indeed a bacon build issue to be fixed only in a net release or the eXtended COL checklist.