gbif / doc-freshwater-data-publishing-guide
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Table 2 - citizen science as sampling event data #12

Open CecSve opened 1 week ago

CecSve commented 1 week ago

Some citizen science projects are standardized and could be considered sampling events. For example, in Denmark there is a national multi-year citizen science program where high school students collect water samples to detect invasive and threatened species. The samples are processed in the lab by qPCR techniques by the high schoolers, but under supervision of NHM and university staff and with quality control incorporated.

I would consider to put a X in the sampling event box or at least a (X), since it is a bit of a gray area and depending on the citizen science project, can be more or less advanced.

dschigel commented 1 week ago

This is an important highlight and the more we go ahead the more combos like freshwater x survey x eDNA we will see. The fact we produce separate guides help entrance from one's comfortable professional identity prospective "I am the freshwater guy - this guide is for me", proved by intro. As you read on, and esp. attempt data standartization and data publishing, many guides can become publisher's nightmare: let's open general GBIF guide on page 1, citizen science guide on page 3, freshwater on page 5, DNA on page 7. For one and very same dataset! I am painting grotesque future mainly for us in GBIFS to consider how guide(s) will evolve. In the context of new data model these issues should hopefully reduce or disappear.