gbl / CrowdinTranslate

A Minecraft Mod that automatically updates translations from CrowdIn to MC .json files
MIT License
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CrowdinTranslate - a library to add CrowdIn Internationalization to your mods

CrowdinTranslate is a library that's intended to make Internationalization as easy as possible in your mods. The jar file is, at the same time:

Getting started

Create a CrowdIn project, (if possible, use the same project name as your mod id). Upload your en_us.json, get it translated, build the project. More detailed info below.

Manual usage:

Run java -jar crowdintranslate-<version>.jar <projectname> from the main mod directory to download translations and distribute them to src/main/resources/assets/<projectname>/lang/.

If you weren't able to use your modid for your crowdin project, run java -jar crowdintranslate-<version>.jar <projectname> <modid> instead.

Automatic usage:

In your build.gradle, at the very top (before plugins), add this:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'de.guntram.mcmod:crowdin-translate:1.3+1.17'
    repositories {
        maven {
            name = 'CrowdinTranslate source'
            url = ""

(note that you can use this no matter which Minecraft version you're compiling for, even if the maven version number says 1.17).

Then, somewhere later (after plugins) add:

apply plugin: 'de.guntram.mcmod.crowdin-translate'
crowdintranslate.crowdinProjectName = '<modid>'
crowdintranslate.minecraftProjectName = '<modid>'
crowdintranslate.verbose = false

You can omit the minecraftProjectName if the ids are the same, and you can set verbose to true to see more about what's happening in the build process.

This will give you a new gradle task: gradle downloadTranslations fetches all translations to your src/main/resources/assets//lang directory.

To do this automatically when you build the project, add something like this to the end of your build.gradle:

build {
        dependsOn downloadTranslations

Have your mod automatically check for new translations

That way your users can get new translations automatically, without you re-publishing your mod, and them having to re-download it.

Add this to your build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        url = ""
dependencies {
    modImplementation "de.guntram.mcmod:crowdin-translate:<version>"
    include "de.guntram.mcmod:crowdin-translate:<version>"

where version is currently either 1.3+1.16 or 1.3+1.17. (The 1.3+1.16 version actually works for all versions from 1.15.2 to 20w48a, 20w49a introduced an incompatible change. 1.3+1.17 works from 1.17 on.)

and this to your ClientModInitializer:


for example

public class MyModClass implements ClientModInitializer 
    static public final String MODID="modid";
    public void onInitializeClient() {

If your CrowdIn project name does not match your Minecraft Mod ID, you need to use the two parameter form with CrowdIn name first, and mod id second:

CrowdinTranslate.downloadTranslations("projectname", "modid");

This will download the translations from to assets/modid/lang.

What if I have the translation files for several mods in the same crowdin project?

Since version 1.3, you can override the translation source name that crowdin-translate checks for. So, if your mods are named foo, bar, and baz, you can have one single crowdin project that has them all, and have file names foo.json, bar.json and thisisnotbaz.json for your source.

Assuming your crowdin project name is allmymods, adjust the above use cases like this:

crowdintranslate.jsonSourceName = 'thisisnotbaz'
CrowdinTranslate.downloadTranslations("allmymods", "baz", "thisisnotbaz");