gboudreau / Greyhole

Greyhole uses Samba to create a storage pool of all your available hard drives, and allows you to create redundant copies of the files you store.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot balance with custom drive_selection_algorithm config #280

Open zefie opened 3 years ago

zefie commented 3 years ago

What I expected:

Greyhole to place backup copies of data onto the UNTRUSTED drive, while retaining the ability to be able to balance out the data across the OK group of drives

What is happening

Greyhole places the backup copies onto UNTRUSTED as expected, but cannot balance out the OK drives.


I have set up some custom algorithms then asked Greyhole to balance accordingly, but it won't because its custom.

Won't balance using share Music, because it uses a custom 'drive_selection_algorithm' config

config snippet:

drive_selection_groups = OK: /mnt/stor/1/greyhole, /mnt/stor/2/greyhole, /mnt/stor/3/greyhole, /mnt/stor/4/greyhole, /mnt/stor/5/greyhole
drive_selection_groups = UNTRUSTED: /mnt/stor/r1/greyhole

drive_selection_algorithm[Music] = forced (1xOK, 1xUNTRUSTED) most_available_space
num_copies[Music] = 2