gbuglione / crater-test

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tesdt #1

Open gbuglione opened 5 years ago

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run name=foobar start=stable end=stable cap-lints=allow crates=jacopone

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run name=foobar start=stable end=stable cap-lints=allow crates=jacopone

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run name=foobar start=stable end=stable cap-lints=allow crates=jacopone

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run name=foobar start=stable end=stable cap-lints=allow crates=jacopone

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:lock: Error: you're not allowed to interact with this bot.

:key: If you are a member of the Rust team and need access, add yourself to the whitelist. :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione ping

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:ping_pong: Pong!

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run name=foobar start=stable end=stable cap-lints=allow crates=jacopone

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:rotating_light: Error: failed to parse the command

:sos: If you have any trouble with Crater please ping @rust-lang/infra! :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=stable cap-lints=allow crates=jacopone

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:rotating_light: Error: failed to parse the command

:sos: If you have any trouble with Crater please ping @rust-lang/infra! :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=stable cap-lints=allow

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:rotating_light: Error: duplicate toolchains provided

:sos: If you have any trouble with Crater please ping @rust-lang/infra! :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=beta cap-lints=allow

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:ok_hand: Experiment pr-1 created and queued. :mag: You can check out the queue and this experiment's details.

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:construction: Experiment pr-1 is now running on agent agent-1.

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione abort

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:wastebasket: Experiment pr-1 deleted!

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=stable cap-lints=allow crate=demo

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:rotating_light: Error: failed to parse the command

:sos: If you have any trouble with Crater please ping @rust-lang/infra! :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=stable cap-lints=allow crates=demo

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:rotating_light: Error: duplicate toolchains provided

:sos: If you have any trouble with Crater please ping @rust-lang/infra! :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=beta cap-lints=allow crates=demo

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:ok_hand: Experiment pr-1 created and queued. :mag: You can check out the queue and this experiment's details.

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:construction: Experiment pr-1 is now running on agent agent-1.

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:rotating_light: Report generation of pr-1 failed: S3 failure to upload "results.json" :hammer_and_wrench: If the error is fixed use the retry-report command.

:sos: Can someone from the infra team check in on this? @rust-lang/infra :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=beta cap-lints=allow crates=demo

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:ok_hand: Experiment pr-1-1 created and queued. :mag: You can check out the queue and this experiment's details.

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:construction: Experiment pr-1-1 is now running on agent agent-1.

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:rotating_light: Report generation of pr-1-1 failed: S3 failure to upload "results.json" :hammer_and_wrench: If the error is fixed use the retry-report command.

:sos: Can someone from the infra team check in on this? @rust-lang/infra :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=beta cap-lints=allow crates=demo

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:ok_hand: Experiment pr-1-2 created and queued. :mag: You can check out the queue and this experiment's details.

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:construction: Experiment pr-1-2 is now running on agent agent-1.

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:rotating_light: Report generation of pr-1-2 failed: S3 failure to upload "results.json" :hammer_and_wrench: If the error is fixed use the retry-report command.

:sos: Can someone from the infra team check in on this? @rust-lang/infra :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=beta cap-lints=allow crates=demo

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:ok_hand: Experiment pr-1-3 created and queued. :mag: You can check out the queue and this experiment's details.

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:construction: Experiment pr-1-3 is now running on agent agent-1.

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:rotating_light: Report generation of pr-1-3 failed: S3 failure to upload "results.json" :hammer_and_wrench: If the error is fixed use the retry-report command.

:sos: Can someone from the infra team check in on this? @rust-lang/infra :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=beta cap-lints=allow crates=demo

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=beta cap-lints=allow crates=demo

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:lock: Error: you're not allowed to interact with this bot.

:key: If you are a member of the Rust team and need access, add yourself to the whitelist. :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=beta cap-lints=allow crates=demo

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:ok_hand: Experiment pr-1-4 created and queued. :mag: You can check out the queue and this experiment's details.

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:construction: Experiment pr-1-4 is now running on agent agent-1.

:information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:rotating_light: Report generation of pr-1-4 failed: S3 failure to upload "results.json" :hammer_and_wrench: If the error is fixed use the retry-report command.

:sos: Can someone from the infra team check in on this? @rust-lang/infra :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=stable cap-lints=allow crate=demo

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=stable cap-lints=allow crate=demo

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:rotating_light: Error: failed to parse the command

:sos: If you have any trouble with Crater please ping @rust-lang/infra! :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=beta cap-lints=allow crate=demo

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

:rotating_light: Error: failed to parse the command

:sos: If you have any trouble with Crater please ping @rust-lang/infra! :information_source: Crater is a tool to run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem. Learn more

gbuglione commented 5 years ago

@gbuglione run start=stable end=beta cap-lints=allow crates=demo