gehrj / vue-country-region-select

A vue country select and a vue region select component that is very easy to use and the region select will update automatically depending on your country selected. They can also be used stand alone.
89 stars 84 forks source link

Reduce size? #29

Open simplenotezy opened 4 years ago

simplenotezy commented 4 years ago

Could we somehow reduce the size of this library? It's 179kb -- compared to vue itself which is 64 kb.

gehrj commented 4 years ago

@simplenotezy I can try and look into this, the size is so large due to the amount of countries and regions supported. The array of objects being taken in is pretty massive.

MartinsOnuoha commented 4 years ago

@gehrj perhaps you could use Axios as a peer dependency to pull the data from an opensource API since Axios is just about 15.4kb?

an API like this

gehrj commented 4 years ago

@MartinsOnuoha I will look into this

abr4xas commented 3 years ago

IMO, make a ajax request only because "its to heavy" is stupid. I think that gives to much info:

// restcountries
    "name": "Afghanistan",
    "topLevelDomain": [
    "alpha2Code": "AF",
    "alpha3Code": "AFG",
    "callingCodes": [
    "capital": "Kabul",
    "altSpellings": [
    "region": "Asia",
    "subregion": "Southern Asia",
    "population": 27657145,
    "latlng": [
    "demonym": "Afghan",
    "area": 652230,
    "gini": 27.8,
    "timezones": [
    "borders": [
    "nativeName": "افغانستان",
    "numericCode": "004",
    "currencies": [
        "code": "AFN",
        "name": "Afghan afghani",
        "symbol": "؋"
    "languages": [
        "iso639_1": "ps",
        "iso639_2": "pus",
        "name": "Pashto",
        "nativeName": "پښتو"
        "iso639_1": "uz",
        "iso639_2": "uzb",
        "name": "Uzbek",
        "nativeName": "Oʻzbek"
        "iso639_1": "tk",
        "iso639_2": "tuk",
        "name": "Turkmen",
        "nativeName": "Türkmen"
    "translations": {
      "de": "Afghanistan",
      "es": "Afganistán",
      "fr": "Afghanistan",
      "ja": "アフガニスタン",
      "it": "Afghanistan",
      "br": "Afeganistão",
      "pt": "Afeganistão",
      "nl": "Afghanistan",
      "hr": "Afganistan",
      "fa": "افغانستان"
    "flag": "",
    "regionalBlocs": [
        "acronym": "SAARC",
        "name": "South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation",
        "otherAcronyms": [],
        "otherNames": []
    "cioc": "AFG"
// this package
    "countryName": "Afghanistan",
    "countryShortCode": "AF",
    "regions": [
        "name": "Badakhshan",
        "shortCode": "BDS"
        "name": "Badghis",
        "shortCode": "BDG"
        "name": "Baghlan",
        "shortCode": "BGL"
        "name": "Balkh",
        "shortCode": "BAL"
        "name": "Bamyan",
        "shortCode": "BAM"
        "name": "Daykundi",
        "shortCode": "DAY"
        "name": "Farah",
        "shortCode": "FRA"
        "name": "Faryab",
        "shortCode": "FYB"
        "name": "Ghazni",
        "shortCode": "GHA"
        "name": "Ghor",
        "shortCode": "GHO"
        "name": "Helmand",
        "shortCode": "HEL"
        "name": "Herat",
        "shortCode": "HER"
        "name": "Jowzjan",
        "shortCode": "JOW"
        "name": "Kabul",
        "shortCode": "KAB"
        "name": "Kandahar",
        "shortCode": "KAN"
        "name": "Kapisa",
        "shortCode": "KAP"
        "name": "Khost",
        "shortCode": "KHO"
        "name": "Kunar",
        "shortCode": "KNR"
        "name": "Kunduz",
        "shortCode": "KDZ"
        "name": "Laghman",
        "shortCode": "LAG"
        "name": "Logar",
        "shortCode": "LOW"
        "name": "Maidan Wardak",
        "shortCode": "WAR"
        "name": "Nangarhar",
        "shortCode": "NAN"
        "name": "Nimruz",
        "shortCode": "NIM"
        "name": "Nuristan",
        "shortCode": "NUR"
        "name": "Paktia",
        "shortCode": "PIA"
        "name": "Paktika",
        "shortCode": "PKA"
        "name": "Panjshir",
        "shortCode": "PAN"
        "name": "Parwan",
        "shortCode": "PAR"
        "name": "Samangan",
        "shortCode": "SAM"
        "name": "Sar-e Pol",
        "shortCode": "SAR"
        "name": "Takhar",
        "shortCode": "TAK"
        "name": "Urozgan",
        "shortCode": "ORU"
        "name": "Zabul",
        "shortCode": "ZAB"