genehack / HiD

Static website generation system *NOTE:* Main dev mirror at
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HiD server, serve webpages for common errors #44

Closed fenderchamp closed 7 years ago

fenderchamp commented 8 years ago

hid server so that it will serve files for 400,403 and 404 errors if .html files are present in the root directry

an error_pages section in the config file can be used too if you would like custom page names and locations

e.g. error_pages: 404: page.html

coveralls commented 8 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage increased (+1.6%) to 71.162% when pulling ba48b9d837989e0f306f665fb8d01944a5b870df on fenderchamp:error_pages into 736ca24f55f19cc8cdc03780aec198c9217ae54d on genehack:master.

genehack commented 7 years ago

I made some tweaks to this locally and manually merged it.

Thanks! And sorry for the cough11 month turnaroundcough