geneontology / project-management

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Minerva / triple store technology refresh #69

Open kltm opened 1 year ago

kltm commented 1 year ago
Project link

Project description

Currently we're using Blazegraph as the persistent models store for Minerva, and also for the public SPARQL endpoint. Unfortunately Blazegraph is not being developed anymore. We should consider replacing the embedded store within Minerva with another actively developed project. The two primary candidates for an embedded Java triplestore would be Jena TDB or RDF4J. We don't necessarily need to use the same triplestore to run the public SPARQL endpoint: options include Jena TDB, Oxigraph, GraphDB (commercial with limited free version), or Virtuoso.



Product owner (PO)


Technical lead (TL)


Other personnel (OP)


Technical specs

TBD (template:

Other comments

This is not API changes, but a tech refresh to start moving away from blazegraph and enable more functional querying.