geodesymiami / rsmas_insar

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Smart, simplified argparse strategy #175

Closed falkamelung closed 5 years ago

falkamelung commented 5 years ago

It would be nice if we could do the argparse such that we can reuse the same code in multiple scripts. Here a suggestion from Yunjun. I think we ideally have all options that are potentially refused in one script, import it, and have one-liners for each option. This would allow us to have easily the same/similar option in, e.g., and

@mirzaees @Ovec8hkin @yunjunz : how do you think?

########################################### Parser utilities ##############################################
def cmd_line_parse(iargs=''):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Ploting Parser')
    parser = add_data_disp_argument(parser)
    parser = add_dem_argument(parser)
    parser = add_figure_argument(parser)
    parser = add_gps_argument(parser)
    parser = add_mask_argument(parser)
    parser = add_map_argument(parser)
    parser = add_point_argument(parser)
    parser = add_reference_argument(parser)
    parser = add_save_argument(parser)
    parser = add_subset_argument(parser)

    inps = parser.parse_args(args=iargs)
    return inps

def add_data_disp_argument(parser):
    # Data Display Option
    data = parser.add_argument_group('Data Display Options', 'Options to adjust the dataset display')
    data.add_argument('-v','--vlim', dest='vlim', nargs=2, metavar=('VMIN', 'VMAX'), type=float,
                      help='Display limits for matrix plotting.')
    data.add_argument('-u', '--unit', dest='disp_unit', metavar='UNIT',
                      help='unit for display.  Its priority > wrap')

    data.add_argument('--wrap', action='store_true',
                      help='re-wrap data to display data in fringes.')
    data.add_argument('--wrap-range', dest='wrap_range', type=float, nargs=2,
                      default=[-1.*np.pi, np.pi], metavar=('MIN', 'MAX'),
                      help='range of one cycle after wrapping, default: [-pi, pi]')

    data.add_argument('--flip-lr', dest='flip_lr',
                      action='store_true', help='flip left-right')
    data.add_argument('--flip-ud', dest='flip_ud',
                      action='store_true', help='flip up-down')
    data.add_argument('--noflip', dest='auto_flip', action='store_false',
                      help='turn off auto flip for radar coordinate file')

    data.add_argument('--multilook-num', dest='multilook_num', type=int, default=1, metavar='NUM',
                      help='multilook data in X and Y direction with a factor for display')
    data.add_argument('--nomultilook', '--no-multilook', dest='multilook', action='store_false',
                      help='do not multilook, for high quality display. \n'
                           'If multilook and multilook_num=1, multilook_num will be estimated automatically.\n'
                           'Useful when displaying big datasets.')
    data.add_argument('--alpha', dest='transparency', type=float,
                      help='Data transparency. \n'
                           '0.0 - fully transparent, 1.0 - no transparency.')
    return parser

def add_dem_argument(parser):
    # DEM
    dem = parser.add_argument_group('DEM', 'display topography in the background')
    dem.add_argument('-d', '--dem', dest='dem_file', metavar='DEM_FILE',
                     help='DEM file to show topography as background')
    dem.add_argument('--dem-noshade', dest='disp_dem_shade', action='store_false',
                     help='do not show DEM shaded relief')
    dem.add_argument('--dem-nocontour', dest='disp_dem_contour', action='store_false',
                     help='do not show DEM contour lines')
    dem.add_argument('--contour-smooth', dest='dem_contour_smooth', type=float, default=3.0,
                     help='Background topography contour smooth factor - sigma of Gaussian filter. \n'
                          'Default is 3.0; set to 0.0 for no smoothing.')
    dem.add_argument('--contour-step', dest='dem_contour_step', metavar='NUM', type=float, default=200.0,
                     help='Background topography contour step in meters. \n'
                          'Default is 200 meters.')
    dem.add_argument('--shade-az', dest='shade_azdeg', type=float, default=315., metavar='DEG',
                     help='The azimuth (0-360, degrees clockwise from North) of the light source\n'
                          'Default is 315.')
    dem.add_argument('--shade-alt', dest='shade_altdeg', type=float, default=45., metavar='DEG',
                     help='The altitude (0-90, degrees up from horizontal) of the light source.\n'
                          'Default is 45.')
    dem.add_argument('--shade-min', dest='shade_min', type=float, default=-4000., metavar='MIN',
                     help='The min height in m of colormap of shaded relief topography\n'
                          'Default: -4000 m')
    dem.add_argument('--shade-max', dest='shade_max', type=float, default=999., metavar='MAX',
                     help='The max height of colormap of shaded relief topography\n'
                          'Default: max(DEM) + 2000 m')
    dem.add_argument('--shade-exag', dest='shade_exag', type=float, default=0.5,
                     help='Vertical exaggeration ratio, default: 0.5')
    return parser
mirzaees commented 5 years ago

This is Done