= hpgl2gcode - A HPGL to GCode converter.
Hpgl2gcode is a simple conversion program for taking the output of the Eagle HPGL Cam Processor and converting it to a form that is understood by a RepRap 3D printer with a Pen holder.
== Installing
Execute a git clone into a working directory.
git clone git@github.com:geoffd123/Hpgl2Gcode.git
Ensure you have Ruby installed on your system
ruby -v
This should return the version number of the accessible ruby, if it says 'not found' you will need to install it on your system
== Creating input files
In the 'cam' directory you will find a sample Eagle cam job that will produce the correct output, you will need to set the correct pen size, offset etc for your machine.
This will save the output as {board_name}.top.hpgl and {board_name}.bot.hpgl.
== Running hpgl2gcode
In a command line session change into where you have cloned hpgl2gcode
hpgl2gcode -h will list the available options.
*-t, --thickness value* Board thickness in mm (default 0.0) this is the height the pen will draw at.
*-c, --z_clearance value* Z Height for pen to clear board (default 3.0mm).
*-f, --feedrate =value* Feedrate for drawing (default 5.0mm/s)
*-r, --travelrate =value* Travelrate for moving X, Y axis (default 60.0mm/s)
*-z, --zrate =value Travelrate for moving Z Axis (default 5.0mm/s)
*-i, --input path* Path to input (hpgl) *mandatory*
*-o, --output path* Path to output (gcode) defaults to input file with .gcode extension
*-h, --help* Show help message
*hpgl2gcode -i pcb/mypcb.bot.hpgl -t 1.5* will produce an output file of pcb/mypcb.bot.gcode with a drawing height of 1.5mm.
Distributed under the MIT License, all rights reserved 2011 Geoff Drake
You can follow the progress of using this software to plot PCB's at http://apapageek.blogspot.com
== Source The source is available on GitHub at https://github.com/geoffd123/Hpl2Gcode
=== 0.0.2 Fixed bug in arcs, improved error reporting, add support for partial arcs.
=== 0.0.1 Initial version supporting PU, PD, PA and AA as circles, not arcs.