geopython / GeoHealthCheck

Service Status and QoS Checker for OGC Web Services
MIT License
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Improve auto-deployment on demo. and #196

Closed justb4 closed 6 years ago

justb4 commented 6 years ago

The GHC GitHub project has two main branches: master and dev. Commits to these branches are webhooked to deployments on and respectively which run on the server infra.

This coupling is now semi-automated: e.g. translations and DB upgrades are not automatic and require manual interaction. Plus there continuous file/dir permission issues.

Suggestions are to do a complete reinstall on commits, and possibly overcome other issues using a Docker deployment (Docker images for master and dev have automated builds via GHC Docker Hub).

justb4 commented 6 years ago

Solved: is automatically deployed when new latest image built on (an automated build coupled via webhook to master on GHC GitHub): so cascading webhooks: GitHub-->DockerHub-->Demo VM Host. . Webhook on demo host provided by . (dev.* is now obsolete).

So closing.