OWSLib is a Python package for client programming with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service (hence OWS) interface standards, and their related content models.
Please feel free to ignore/add new commits to the PR if you don't think it's useful, I won't put more efforts to this PR since the problems have been solved for us;
Missing the exception handlers blocking us from processing large number of records;
sample code to reproduce:
# Define the queries to search for records using GCMD Keywords
gcmd_query_lower = PropertyIsLike("AnyText", "%gcmd%")
gcmd_query_upper = PropertyIsLike("AnyText", "%GCMD%")
gcmd_query_full = PropertyIsLike("AnyText", "%Global Change Master Directory%")
# Define the query to exclude records containing 'AODN Discovery Parameter Vocabulary'
aodn_exclude_query = PropertyIsNotEqualTo(
"AnyText", "AODN Discovery Parameter Vocabulary"
# Combine all queries using Or and And filters
combined_gcmd_query = Or([gcmd_query_lower, gcmd_query_upper, gcmd_query_full])
final_query = And([combined_gcmd_query, aodn_exclude_query])
# Connect to the CSW service
csw = CatalogueServiceWeb(
coverage: 60.184% (-0.1%) from 60.329%
when pulling ad993f7998725c094f09dc368bc19d29bc7fdd82 on vietnguyengit:exception-handling-bugs
into 0bee95e8ee0f21afacbf41cdaaf71db31ba82187 on geopython:master.
Please feel free to ignore/add new commits to the PR if you don't think it's useful, I won't put more efforts to this PR since the problems have been solved for us;
Missing the exception handlers blocking us from processing large number of records;
sample code to reproduce:
you might want to use
param withincsw.getrecords2()
method to be: http://standards.iso.org/iso/19115/-3/mdb/2.0