geordanr / xwing

Squad builder for the First Edition X-Wing Miniatures game by Fantasy Flight Games.
MIT License
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Yet Another X-Wing #208

Open Thisson opened 9 years ago

Thisson commented 9 years ago

Hi, I noticed that the targeting coordinator crew card (Epic Ships Only) is available on regular ships with crew slots. I think this is an error. I LOVE YOUR SQUAD BUILDER!!!!! :)

geordanr commented 9 years ago

Actually, Targeting Coordinator isn't Epic Only:

Targeting Coordinator

So technically, you can equip it on a non-epic ship. Why, I don't know, but you can!

Wildhorn commented 8 years ago

Would still be fun to have it removed from the list until a standard ship use energy and/or something allow a stantard ship to have energy.