Closed tdipisa closed 4 years ago
@gitcontributor the problem doesn't sems properly solved in test here
Expected result: I can create and configure my widgets without errors
Current result: The gray screen appears and the following error occurs:
MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100 Error: Minified React error #31; visit[]=object%20with%20keys%20%7Bdefault%2C%20it-IT%2C%20de-DE%7D&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
at _i (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100)
at MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100
at xa (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100)
at Is (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100)
at tl (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100)
at $s (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100)
at zs (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100)
at MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:108)
at No (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100)
at Uo (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100)
at Bo (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100)
at Ns (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100)
at Object.enqueueSetState (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:100)
at r._.setState (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:92)
at (MapStore-C028.js?c40411e8cb852e9e5a08:19)
If I try to search for other layers the error doesn't occurs, why?
Finally, when the gray screen appears, if I click on reload I'm redirected to a wrong URL:
That shoud be the following one instead:
a new deploy is needed
A problem occurs when you create a Chart, Table or Counter widgets:
If you then click on reload button the loaded URL is wrong:
It should be the following in test:
The error in console is: