gepd / Stino

A Sublime Text Plugin for Arduino
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"avr-g++: command not found" fix not work #4

Closed Super169 closed 9 years ago

Super169 commented 9 years ago

I just try the following command in Sublime Text Console

setx path "%path%;E:\Arduino\IDE\arduino-1.6.4"

where E:\Arduino\IDE\arduino-1.6.4 is the installation folder of Arduino IDE.

But the following error is returned:

setx path "%path%;E:\Arduino\IDE\arduino-1.6.4"
File "", line 1
setx path "%path%;E:\Arduino\IDE\arduino-1.6.4"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Is this command for the Console of Sublime Text 3?

Then I just try to create a batch file to set the path before running sublime text 3: setx path "%path%;E:\Arduino\IDE\arduino-1.6.4" "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\subl.exe"

It can now start compile without error, but it will stop at [ 3%] and no more progress.

The workstation has been reinstalled, so it should not be affected by other package, and I cannot use Sublime Text + Stino now. Please help.

Thanks a lot.

FrozenSUSHI commented 9 years ago

If you are using Windows (tested on 7 and 8.1) you can add the direct path to the avr tools to your system's PATH variable and everything should work. For example "Q:\Tools\arduino-1.6.5-r2\hardware\tools\avr\bin" ...

ivanNair commented 9 years ago

Please can you explain how you set the above to text line 3 im using windows 8 and have been try for the last few days to get it to work, i have tried the setx path "%path%;E:\Arduino\IDE\arduino-1.6.4" also does not work. i have reloaded subline. Can you please help

clemler commented 9 years ago

Thank you FrozenSUSHI - just the tip I needed. Ivan, I add the following to my path (this is a Mac, but the core concept still applies):


On your PC, look at the sub-directories under arduino-1.6.4, per Frozen, it is likely under E:\Arduino\IDE\arduino-1.6.4\hardware\tools\avr\bin

Super169 commented 9 years ago

Thanks all, the problem is solved. It has to update the path in Environment Variables.

ivanNair commented 9 years ago

hi guys I am dump struk now how does this work, i found the folder,avr.bin, but how to set path? Pleeeeeease explain. im half blind at this stage Thank you

ivanNair commented 9 years ago

hi , after trying again i get Package Control: Skipping automatic upgrade, last run at 2015-07-13 18:22:14, next run at 2015-07-13 19:22:14 or after

"%path%;E:\Arduino\IDE\arduino-1.6.5-2" '%path%;E:\Arduino\IDE\x07rduino-1.6.5-2' "%path%;Q:\Arduino\IDE\arduino-1.6.5-r2" '%path%;Q:\Arduino\IDE\x07rduino-1.6.5-r2'

ivanNair commented 9 years ago

hi Clemler i still cant get it right suline t3 and ardunio, on my pc i have to c then doc(x86) Arduino;hardware;avr; and i get bin. in tere i can see the folder " avr-g++ What do i do next, Please help if i click on the folder it opens to small black screen then closes

kyleding commented 9 years ago

"avr-gcc" -w -Os -Wl,--gc-sections -mmcu=atmega328p -o "D:\arduino-nightly\DigitalReadSerial/sketch/DigitalReadSerial.elf" "D:\arduino-nightly\DigitalReadSerial\DigitalReadSerial.ino.cpp.o" "D:\arduino-nightly\DigitalReadSerial/core.a" "-LD:\arduino-nightly\DigitalReadSerial" -lm d:/arduino-nightly/hardware/tools/avr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.8.1/../../../../avr/bin/ld.exe: cannot open output file D:/arduino-nightly/DigitalReadSerial/sketch/DigitalReadSerial.elf: No such file or directory

this command is error: -o "D:\arduino-nightly\DigitalReadSerial/sketch/DigitalReadSerial.elf" ,I'm in WINDOWS 7,so the path in windows "path separator" is use "\",but at the when I create elf,I found stino use "/".

I'm a beginner of Arduino and stino,So how can I fix the issue?

gepd commented 9 years ago

I've been merge a fix base on please download and test it.