geprog / boydee

BoYDeE - Book your desk easily
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Ideas for Futures Features #8

Open AngeloCostanzo opened 4 years ago

AngeloCostanzo commented 4 years ago

1) notification/warning to clean up things especially headphones, keyboards with antiseptica 2) auto-lock before book

3) Section for complains Examples: the table was dirty the table was occupied equipment not found equipment not working properly

4) Profile Page with all the followings:

5) Possibility of extend the "check out" timing (if the desk is available)


Regarding the Reservation:

ellenheine commented 4 years ago
  1. Ask for table

    • When I am booking a table and see that the one I want is occupied, I want to ask the other user if he can take another one.
    • I can send him/her a request and optional message
    • I can also ask if I book a series and the application tells me that not every time can be booked.
    • If the other user gives me his place I can book it again (normal booking) or the application completes my series booking.
  2. Invite someone to work with me.

    • If I have booked a table, I can subsequently share my booking and send an invitation to someone to work with me.
    • I can also book two or more tables for other persons and send them an email invitation.
  3. Reminder

    • In my settings I can choose if I want to be reminded of my bookings and set a time for it (e.g. 10 min before my booking starts)
  4. Publish working content

    • During booking a table I can write down my planned work for that booking period and it will be published then. If I have more than one period in a booking I can write my planned work for each period.
  5. Connect to own calendar - see bookings in own calendar

    • It is possible to connect the app to my calendar. Then I see the bookings in my calendar.
  6. Connect to own calendar - see dates in booking calendar

    • I see my dates in the booking calendar.
  7. Connect to time tracker

    • When the booked time is reached, my time tracker should open and ask me if I want to track working time.
  8. Arrange Lunch

    • I can ask other bookers to have lunch with me via a hot key and a personal message.
  9. Suggest lunch partners

    • The app suggests lunch partners for me due to my previous lunch arrangements and due to who is in the office.
  10. Suggest working times

    • The app suggests me working times due to my previous working hours and how I rated my own productivity for these times.
  11. Rate own productivity

    • When my booking is over the app asks me to rate my own productivity for the previous booking time. With this the app can suggest me working times for the future.