Open zagwalker opened 5 years ago
I don't believe the theme offers any image logo features. For this reason and others, I used theme inheritance to do customization. In the inherited version of "templates\modular\footer.html.twig" I included the following block:
<div class="footer-module large">
<div class="logo">
<img src="{{ page.find('/images').media[site.footer.logo].url }}" class="img-responsive img-centered" alt="{{ site.footer.logoalt }}">
{% block social %}
{% include 'partials/social.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
{% if site.footer.description %}
<p>{{ site.footer.description }}</p>
{% endif %}
The logo and alternate text are defined in site.yaml:
logo: my-logo.jpg
logoalt: "Alternate text here"
The logo JPEG needs to be in the "pages\images" folder.
Thanks a lot. I'll have a look on that.
I don't believe the theme offers any image logo features. For this reason and others, I used theme inheritance to do customization. In the inherited version of "templates\modular\footer.html.twig" I included the following block:
<div class="footer-module large"> <div class="logo"> <img src="{{ page.find('/images').media[site.footer.logo].url }}" class="img-responsive img-centered" alt="{{ site.footer.logoalt }}"> {% block social %} {% include 'partials/social.html.twig' %} {% endblock %} </div> {% if site.footer.description %} <p>{{ site.footer.description }}</p> {% endif %} </div>
The logo and alternate text are defined in site.yaml:
footer: logo: my-logo.jpg logoalt: "Alternate text here"
The logo JPEG needs to be in the "pages\images" folder.
@atomsmith, Thanks for this reply.
Slightly off-track, but for the same purpose, how exactly did you achieve "Template" inheritance? I was able to inherit the SCSS, but I am having a hard time inheriting the Deliver theme's templates.
The following just doesn't work.
{% extends "partials/base.html.twig" %}
{% block header %} new header content here {% endblock %}
{% extends "…/…/deliver/templates/partials/base.html.twig" %}
This does not work either.
If it's possible, can you please write the steps that you followed while inheriting the templates. It would help a lot of us. Thanks in advance.
@The-Steve, I did not use template inheritance in the manner you are describing. Some of the things I wanted to adjust did not correspond neatly to blocks in the original theme. My process went something like:
As an example, the original theme's "feature" blocks were not useful for the nonprofit organization website I was building. As I recall, just having the empty
<div class="feature-items"></div>
caused unwanted blank space on some of the pages. So my theme has a "features.html.twig" with that div completely deleted.
Could not figure out is there any other method of implementing an image logo besides changing the code. Any suggestions?