getkirby / ideas

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Language: add default language in single-language sites #408

Open hdodov opened 5 years ago

hdodov commented 5 years ago

Currently, if you run:

$lang = kirby()->defaultLanguage(); a single-language site, you get null. That doesn't make sense. There's an implicit default language and that's English. Look at this:


I believe those 12 literals aren't good design. Those same things that users define in the languages folder under PHP files - Kirby can have one of those in its config folder and it can be used when there's nothing defined in languages. This would:

In conclusion, my proposal is:

distantnative commented 5 years ago

That sounds like we would force developers ti define a language even when they don’t want to care.

hdodov commented 5 years ago

@distantnative nope, I said:

Those same things that users define in the languages folder under PHP files - Kirby can have one of those in its config folder and it can be used when there's nothing defined in languages.

Kirby can simply provide a default language for developers who don't care. It already does that, actually - in the form of 12 occurrences of 'en' in the source code. My whole point is to improve that.

At the same time, if I want to have a single-language site with Deutch as the default language, I could simply create languages/de.php and that's it. If I decide to turn it into multi-language, I just flip the switch in config.php and add more languages.

distantnative commented 5 years ago

Why don’t you flip on multi-language with only one default language?

hdodov commented 5 years ago

For several reasons:

hdodov commented 5 years ago

I'm testing now and actually, you can define languages/de.php without setting languages => true in the config. You indeed set the "default" language of the site with that, but all your files end up with .de.txt. I don't think that has to happen. You still have just one language.

Docs say the following about the languages config setting:

Enables language definitions via the Panel

So that doesn't alter the way Kirby treats languages. I think that's good. But apparently, Kirby internally flips the multilang switch on whenever there's a file in site/languages. I don't think that's correct.

I think it should function like this:

This is way simpler. One file - one language. Many files - many languages.