getsentry / sentry-jira

A Plugin for sentry that lets you create JIRA issues
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Blank screen when clicking Create issue in Jira #82

Closed Grovespaz closed 8 years ago

Grovespaz commented 8 years ago

When attempting to create a new Jira issue from a Sentry issue, Sentry responds with a near-blank page: image

Developer-tools shows only the following: image

dcramer commented 8 years ago

@Grovespaz Are you on Sentry 8? You may need to install sentry-jira from GitHub until we release a new tag:

pip install

ghost commented 8 years ago

Hi all! Got same issue, Sentry 8.1.2, jira-sentry 0.11.0.dev0

dcramer commented 8 years ago

I'm unable to reproduce this on Sentry 8. This is on the "create issue" link from issue details?

ghost commented 8 years ago

Yep. I'm new Sentry user, installed latest version 2 days ago. My Jira version is 6.4.11 I see only 3 queries to Jira from Sentry:

x.x.x.x 1133x130257x1 user [17/Feb/2016:18:53:49 +0300] "GET /rest/api/2/priority HTTP/1.1" 200 1248 449 "-" "sentry/8.1.2 (" "1392x0x"
x.x.x.x 1133x130258x1 user [17/Feb/2016:18:53:50 +0300] "GET /rest/api/2/project/GN/versions HTTP/1.1" 200 16912 531 "-" "sentry/8.1.2 (" "16r6vvt"
x.x.x.x 1133x130259x1 user [17/Feb/2016:18:53:51 +0300] "GET /rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?projectKeys=GN&expand=projects.issuetypes.fields HTTP/1.1" 200 664269 1270 "-" "sentry/8.1.2 (" "1eygomi"
dcramer commented 8 years ago

Are you 100% certain the footer of the site says Sentry 8+? If so, can you try:

# run this until it says its not installed anymore
pip uninstall sentry-jira

# reinstall the latest git release
pip install

I cant come up with any sane way that the code thats on GitHub could possibly be breaking at this point, since Sentry 8 is what we run in prod, and we are running latest sentry-jira as well.

ghost commented 8 years ago

After unistall / install plugin everything works correctly, thanks @dcramer ! Before this i used pip install --upgrade and don't completly uninstall the plugin, here is my fail i think.

Tyvm again.)

temoto commented 8 years ago

Affects me on Sentry 8. Master works. 👍 Comment to subscribe for release notification. Thanks.