getumbrel / umbrel-community-app-store

Template repository for a creating your own Community App Store for Umbrel. Click "Use this template" and add your apps!
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Error installing hello world app #1

Open jpph opened 1 year ago

jpph commented 1 year ago

I got this error message when I try to install the hello world app:

Installing 'sparkles-hello-world' from:
Setting up data dir for app sparkles-hello-world...
sending incremental file list
sent 108 bytes  received 12 bytes  240.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1,093  speedup is 9.11
Pulling images for app sparkles-hello-world...
Pulling server     ... done
Pulling app_proxy  ... done
Pulling tor_server ... done
Starting app sparkles-hello-world...
Generating hidden services for sparkles-hello-world...
Starting sparkles-hello-world_app_proxy_1 ... error

ERROR: for sparkles-hello-world_app_proxy_1  Cannot start service app_proxy: network c2fb8bff638004f3b4ac7ed3a6738c5c61b2b75884005d268d5c00e94ed5fe53 not found                                                             
ERROR: for app_proxy  Cannot start service app_proxy: network c2fb8bff638004f3b4ac7ed3a6738c5c61b2b75884005d268d5c00e94ed5fe53 not found                                                                                    ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.`
PlebeiusGaragicus commented 1 year ago

I'm also having trouble - @lukechilds can you include the code for the demo hello-world app? I can't find it anywhere

mayankchhabra commented 1 year ago

Hey guys, are you still getting the above error?

jpph commented 1 year ago

yes, still same error

mayankchhabra commented 1 year ago

Got it, have you already tried a complete system restart?

jpph commented 1 year ago

Same error after reboot. Running debian (raspbian os) 11 on a raspberry 4 with 8gb ram: uname : Linux raspberrypi 5.15.61-v8+ #1579 SMP PREEMPT Fri Aug 26 11:16:44 BST 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux

nevets963 commented 1 year ago

@jpph @PlebeiusGaragicus When you get this error, can you run this: docker network ls and post here what this returns?

jpph commented 1 year ago

Note, I am running the teslamate suite also on same raspberry

root@raspberrypi:/home/jpph/umbrel# docker network ls
NETWORK ID     NAME                  DRIVER    SCOPE
3f10f843287b   bridge                bridge    local
3239d4537c85   host                  host      local
96ed06a01c38   none                  null      local
4b1cadd13f41   tesla_default         bridge    local
3923868b1851   umbrel_main_network   bridge    local
nevets963 commented 1 year ago

@jpph This is very strange that it's trying to refer to a network that doesn't exist. But, this also suggests that you can't install any app? Do you get the same issue if you install an app from our official app store? e.g. ~/umbrel/scripts/app install pi-hole

jpph commented 1 year ago

No, standard app works very well

jpph@raspberrypi:~/umbrel $ sudo scripts/app install pi-hole
Installing 'pi-hole' from:
Setting up data dir for app pi-hole...
sending incremental file list

sent 3,900 bytes  received 119 bytes  8,038.00 bytes/sec
total size is 3,385  speedup is 0.84
Executing hook: /home/jpph/umbrel/app-data/pi-hole/hooks/pre-install
Service 'systemd-resolved' is not running
Pulling images for app pi-hole...
Pulling tor_server ... done
Pulling app_proxy  ... done
Pulling server     ... done
Starting app pi-hole...
Generating hidden services for pi-hole...
Creating pi-hole_app_proxy_1 ... done
Creating pi-hole_tor_server_1 ... done
Hidden service file created successfully!
pi-hole_tor_server_1 is up-to-date
pi-hole_app_proxy_1 is up-to-date
Creating pi-hole_server_1 ... done
Saving app pi-hole in DB...
Successfully installed app pi-hole
jpph@raspberrypi:~/umbrel $