getwax / bls-wallet

Core components to use layer 2 smart contract wallets with the BLS signature scheme
MIT License
177 stars 45 forks source link

BLS Wallet

What is BLS Wallet?

A set of components to bring lower gas costs to EVM rollups via aggregated BLS signatures. Our smart contract wallet supports recovery, atomic multi-action operations, sponsored transactions and user-controlled upgradability.

You can watch a full end-to-end demo of the project here.

Getting Started

Setup your development environment



Solidity smart contracts for wallets, BLS signature verification, and deployment/testing tools.


Service which accepts BLS signed transactions and bundles them into one for submission.


npm package for proxying to another aggregator instance.


npm package which provides easy to use constructs to interact with the contracts and aggregator.


Prototype browser extension used to manage BLS Wallets and sign transactions.

Contract Deployments

See the networks directory for a list of all contract deployment (network) manifests. Have an L2/rollup testnet you'd like BLS Wallet deployed on? Open an issue or Deploy it yourself

Ways to Contribute

See our contribution instructions & guidelines for more details.