When I run:
conda create -n tryon python=3.6
source activate tryon or conda activate tryon
conda install pytorch=1.1.0 torchvision=0.3.0 cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch
conda install cupy or pip install cupy==6.0.0
pip install opencv-python
and test.sh I meet the problem:
Default upsampling behavior when mode=bilinear is changed to align_corners=False since 0.4.0. Please specify align_corners=True if the old behavior is desired. See the documentation of nn.Upsample for details.
When I modify align_corners=True in function interpolate it raise another problem:
align_corners option can only be set with the interpolating modes: linear | bilinear | bicubic | trilinear
When I run: conda create -n tryon python=3.6 source activate tryon or conda activate tryon conda install pytorch=1.1.0 torchvision=0.3.0 cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch conda install cupy or pip install cupy==6.0.0 pip install opencv-python
and test.sh I meet the problem: Default upsampling behavior when mode=bilinear is changed to align_corners=False since 0.4.0. Please specify align_corners=True if the old behavior is desired. See the documentation of nn.Upsample for details.
When I modify align_corners=True in function interpolate it raise another problem: align_corners option can only be set with the interpolating modes: linear | bilinear | bicubic | trilinear
How can I solve it? Thank you!