Closed niklaskorz closed 3 years ago
WGSL input:
[2021-08-19T13:34:43Z WARN wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "main" at Compute: struct NagaConstants { int base_vertex; int base_instance; uint other; }; ConstantBuffer<NagaConstants> _NagaConstants: register(b0); static const bool backface_culling = false; static const float3 light_color = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); static const float ambient_strength = 0.01; static const float shininess = 64.0; static const float3 object_color = float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); static const bool linear_mode = false; static const bool use_lighting = true; static const float eps = 0.0000001; static const float PI = 3.141592653589793; static const float h = 0.005; struct Camera { float4 origin; float4 view_direction; float4 up; row_major float4x4 view_matrix; }; struct Settings { float field_weight; float mouse_pos_x; float mouse_pos_y; int show_lyapunov_exponent; int central_difference_delta; float lyapunov_scaling; }; struct Vertex { float x; float y; float z; }; struct Face { uint a; uint b; uint c; }; struct RaySample { float4 position; float4 color; }; struct RaySamples { RaySample data[800]; }; struct NonlinearRayColorResult { float4 color; float4 mapping_point; }; RWTexture2D<unorm float4> target : register(u1); RWTexture2D<float4> mapping : register(u2); cbuffer camera : register(b1) { Camera camera; } cbuffer settings : register(b2) { Settings settings; } ByteAddressBuffer vertices : register(t0); ByteAddressBuffer faces : register(t1); RWByteAddressBuffer ray_samples : register(u0); static float2 sample_positions[8] = float2(float2(-1.0, -1.0), float2(0.0, -1.0), float2(1.0, -1.0), float2(1.0, 0.0), float2(1.0, 1.0), float2(0.0, 1.0), float2(-1.0, 1.0), float2(-1.0, 0.0)); static float3 sample_colors[8] = float3(float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.0), float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), float3(0.5, 1.0, 0.0), float3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), float3(0.5, 0.0, 0.5)); struct ComputeInput_main { uint3 gid1 : SV_DispatchThreadID; }; float3 rotateX(float3 v, float phi) { return mul(v, float3x3(float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), float3(0.0, cos(phi), sin(phi)), float3(0.0, -sin(phi), cos(phi)))); } float3 rotateY(float3 v1, float phi1) { return mul(v1, float3x3(float3(cos(phi1), 0.0, -sin(phi1)), float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), float3(sin(phi1), 0.0, cos(phi1)))); } float3 rotateZ(float3 v2, float phi2) { return mul(v2, float3x3(float3(cos(phi2), sin(phi2), 0.0), float3(-sin(phi2), cos(phi2), 0.0), float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))); } float3 translate(float3 v3, float dx, float dy, float dz) { return float3((v3.x + dx), (v3.y + dy), (v3.z + dz)); } float refraction_index(float t) { return (((0.0000104 * 101325.0) * (1.0 + ((101325.0 * (60.1 - (0.972 * t))) * pow(10.0, -10.0)))) / (1.0 + (0.00366 * t))); } float3 refraction(float t_in, float t_out, float3 v_in, float3 n) { float cosi = (float)0; float3 n_ref = (float3)0; const float _e20 = refraction_index(t_in); const float _e21 = refraction_index(t_out); cosi = clamp(-1.0, 1.0, dot(v_in, n)); n_ref = n; float _expr28 = cosi; if ((_expr28 < 0.0)) { float _expr31 = cosi; cosi = -_expr31; } else { n_ref = -n; } float eta = (_e20 / _e21); float _expr38 = cosi; float _expr39 = cosi; float k = (1.0 - ((eta * eta) * (1.0 - (_expr38 * _expr39)))); if ((k < 0.0)) { float3 _expr46 = n_ref; return reflect(v_in, _expr46); } float _expr49 = cosi; float3 _expr53 = n_ref; return ((eta * v_in) + (((eta * _expr49) - sqrt(k)) * _expr53)); } float point_plane_distance(float3 p, float3 n1, float3 p0_) { float d = dot(p0_, n1); return abs((dot(p, n1) - d)); } float3 field_function(float3 p_prev, float3 p1, float3 v0_, float3 v4, float t1) { float3 center = float3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5); float3 center_dest = (p1 - center); float3 normal = normalize(center_dest); float dist_in = length((p_prev - center)); float dist_out = length(center_dest); float part_in = clamp(0.0, 1.0, (dist_in / 0.25)); float part_out = clamp(0.0, 1.0, (dist_out / 0.25)); float t_in1 = ((part_in * 15.0) + ((1.0 - part_in) * 100.0)); float t_out1 = ((part_out * 15.0) + ((1.0 - part_out) * 100.0)); const float3 _e51 = refraction(t_in1, t_out1, v4, normal); return _e51; } float hit_triangle(float3 v5, float3 origin, float3 direction) { float3 edge1_ = (v5[1] - v5[0]); float3 edge2_ = (v5[2] - v5[0]); float3 h1 = cross(direction, edge2_); float a = dot(edge1_, h1); if (((backface_culling || (a > -eps)) && (a < eps))) { return -1.0; } float f = (1.0 / a); float3 s = (origin - v5[0]); float u = (f * dot(s, h1)); if (((u < 0.0) || (u > 1.0))) { return -1.0; } float3 q = cross(s, edge1_); float v6 = (f * dot(direction, q)); if (((v6 < 0.0) || ((u + v6) > 1.0))) { return -1.0; } float t5 = (f * dot(edge2_, q)); if ((t5 > eps)) { return t5; } return -1.0; } uint NagaBufferLength(ByteAddressBuffer buffer) { uint ret; buffer.GetDimensions(ret); return ret; } float4 ray_color(float3 origin1, float3 direction1, float max_dist) { float t2 = -1.0; float t_new = (float)0; float3 d1_ = (float3)0; float3 d2_ = (float3)0; uint i = 0u; float intensity = (float)0; bool loop_init = true; while(true) { if (!loop_init) { uint _expr30 = i; i = (_expr30 + 1u); } loop_init = false; uint _expr26 = i; if ((_expr26 < ((NagaBufferLength(faces) - 0) / 12))) { } else { break; } uint _expr34 = i; Face face = {asuint(faces.Load(_expr34*12+0+0)), asuint(faces.Load(_expr34*12+0+4)), asuint(faces.Load(_expr34*12+0+8))}; Vertex a = {asfloat(vertices.Load(face.a*12+0+0)), asfloat(vertices.Load(face.a*12+0+4)), asfloat(vertices.Load(face.a*12+0+8))}; Vertex b = {asfloat(vertices.Load(face.b*12+0+0)), asfloat(vertices.Load(face.b*12+0+4)), asfloat(vertices.Load(face.b*12+0+8))}; Vertex c = {asfloat(vertices.Load(face.c*12+0+0)), asfloat(vertices.Load(face.c*12+0+4)), asfloat(vertices.Load(face.c*12+0+8))}; float3 triangle1[3] = { float3(a.x, a.y, a.z), float3(b.x, b.y, b.z), float3(c.x, c.y, c.z) }; const float _e62 = hit_triangle(triangle1, origin1, direction1); t_new = _e62; float _expr63 = t_new; float _expr66 = t_new; float _expr69 = t2; float _expr72 = t_new; float _expr73 = t2; if ((((_expr63 > 0.0) && (_expr66 < max_dist)) && ((_expr69 < 0.0) || (_expr72 < _expr73)))) { float _expr77 = t_new; t2 = _expr77; d1_ = (triangle1[1] - triangle1[0]); d2_ = (triangle1[2] - triangle1[0]); } } float _expr88 = t2; float _expr91 = t2; if (((_expr88 > 0.0) && (_expr91 < max_dist))) { float3 _expr94 = d1_; float3 _expr95 = d2_; float3 normal = normalize(cross(_expr94, _expr95)); if (!use_lighting) { float3 color1 = abs(normal); return float4(color1, 1.0); } float3 ambient = (ambient_strength * float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); intensity = max(dot(normal, -direction1), 0.0); float _expr108 = intensity; if ((_expr108 == 0.0)) { intensity = max(dot(-normal, -direction1), 0.0); } float diff = intensity; float3 diffuse = (diff * float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); float _expr118 = intensity; float spec = pow(_expr118, shininess); float3 specular = (spec * float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); float3 result1 = (((ambient + diffuse) + specular) * abs(normal)); float _expr125 = t2; return float4(result1, _expr125); } return float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } NonlinearRayColorResult nonlinear_ray_color(float3 start_point, float3 start_dir) { NonlinearRayColorResult result = (NonlinearRayColorResult)0; bool has_color = false; bool has_mapping_point = false; float3 cur_point = (float3)0; float3 cur_dir = (float3)0; float t3 = 0.0; int i1 = 0; result.mapping_point = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); float field_weight = settings.field_weight; cur_point = start_point; cur_dir = start_dir; bool loop_init1 = true; while(true) { if (!loop_init1) { int _expr41 = i1; i1 = (_expr41 + 1); } loop_init1 = false; int _expr39 = i1; if ((_expr39 < 800)) { } else { break; } float3 _expr44 = cur_point; float3 _expr45 = cur_dir; float3 _expr48 = cur_point; float3 _expr49 = cur_dir; float _expr50 = t3; const float3 _e51 = field_function((_expr44 - (_expr45 * h)), _expr48, start_dir, _expr49, _expr50); float3 _expr52 = cur_point; float3 _expr53 = cur_point; float _expr58 = t3; const float3 _e62 = field_function(_expr52, (_expr53 + ((0.5 * h) * _e51)), start_dir, _e51, (_expr58 + (0.5 * h))); float3 _expr63 = cur_point; float3 _expr64 = cur_point; float _expr69 = t3; const float3 _e73 = field_function(_expr63, (_expr64 + ((0.5 * h) * _e62)), start_dir, _e62, (_expr69 + (0.5 * h))); float3 _expr74 = cur_point; float3 _expr75 = cur_point; float _expr78 = t3; const float3 _e80 = field_function(_expr74, (_expr75 + (h * _e73)), start_dir, _e73, (_expr78 + h)); float3 v7 = ((((_e51 + (2.0 * _e62)) + (2.0 * _e73)) + _e80) / float3(; float3 _expr93 = cur_dir; cur_dir = (((1.0 - field_weight) * _expr93) + (field_weight * v7)); float3 _expr97 = cur_dir; float3 step_dir = (_expr97 * h); bool _expr99 = has_color; if (!_expr99) { float3 _expr102 = cur_point; const float4 _e105 = ray_color(_expr102, normalize(step_dir), length(step_dir)); result.color = _e105; float4 _expr107 = result.color; has_color = (_expr107.w > 0.0); } float3 _expr111 = cur_point; cur_point = (_expr111 + step_dir); float _expr113 = t3; t3 = (_expr113 + h); } float3 _expr116 = cur_point; result.mapping_point = float4(_expr116, 1.0); result.color.w = 1.0; bool _expr122 = has_color; if (!_expr122) { result.color = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } NonlinearRayColorResult _expr130 = result; const NonlinearRayColorResult nonlinearraycolorresult1 = _expr130; return nonlinearraycolorresult1; } void sample_rays(float3 start_point1, float3 start_dir1, int samples_index, float3 sample_color) { float3 cur_point1 = (float3)0; float3 cur_dir1 = (float3)0; float4 color = (float4)0; float t4 = 0.0; RaySample sample1 = (RaySample)0; int i2 = 0; float field_weight = settings.field_weight; cur_point1 = start_point1; cur_dir1 = start_dir1; sample1.color = float4(sample_color, 0.5); int sample_step_size = (800 / 100); bool loop_init2 = true; while(true) { if (!loop_init2) { int _expr39 = i2; i2 = (_expr39 + 1); } loop_init2 = false; int _expr37 = i2; if ((_expr37 < 800)) { } else { break; } float3 _expr42 = cur_point1; float3 _expr43 = cur_dir1; float3 _expr46 = cur_point1; float3 _expr47 = cur_dir1; float _expr48 = t4; const float3 _e49 = field_function((_expr42 - (_expr43 * h)), _expr46, start_dir1, _expr47, _expr48); float3 _expr50 = cur_point1; float3 _expr51 = cur_point1; float _expr56 = t4; const float3 _e60 = field_function(_expr50, (_expr51 + ((0.5 * h) * _e49)), start_dir1, _e49, (_expr56 + (0.5 * h))); float3 _expr61 = cur_point1; float3 _expr62 = cur_point1; float _expr67 = t4; const float3 _e71 = field_function(_expr61, (_expr62 + ((0.5 * h) * _e60)), start_dir1, _e60, (_expr67 + (0.5 * h))); float3 _expr72 = cur_point1; float3 _expr73 = cur_point1; float _expr76 = t4; const float3 _e78 = field_function(_expr72, (_expr73 + (h * _e71)), start_dir1, _e71, (_expr76 + h)); float3 v8 = ((((_e49 + (2.0 * _e60)) + (2.0 * _e71)) + _e78) / float3(; float3 _expr91 = cur_dir1; cur_dir1 = (((1.0 - field_weight) * _expr91) + (field_weight * v8)); float3 _expr95 = cur_dir1; float3 step_dir = (_expr95 * h); int _expr97 = i2; if (((_expr97 % sample_step_size) == 0)) { float3 _expr102 = cur_point1; sample1.position = float4(_expr102, 1.0); int _expr106 = i2; int index = ((samples_index * 100) + (_expr106 / sample_step_size)); RaySample _expr111 = sample1; { RaySample _value4 = _expr111; ray_samples.Store4(index*32+0+0, asuint(_value4.position)); ray_samples.Store4(index*32+0+16, asuint(_value4.color)); } } float3 _expr112 = cur_point1; cur_point1 = (_expr112 + step_dir); float _expr114 = t4; t4 = (_expr114 + h); } return; } int2 NagaRWDimensions2D(RWTexture2D<unorm float4> texture) { uint4 ret; texture.GetDimensions(ret.x, ret.y); return ret.xy; } [numthreads(8, 8, 1)] void main(ComputeInput_main computeinput_main) { int2 size = NagaRWDimensions2D(target); int2 coords = int2(int(computeinput_main.gid1.x), ((size.y - int(computeinput_main.gid1.y)) - 1)); if (((coords.x >= size.x) || (coords.y < 0))) { return; } float width = float(size.x); float height = float(size.y); float aspect_ratio = (width / height); float4 _expr43 = camera.origin; float3 origin2 =; float4 _expr46 = camera.view_direction; float3 view_direction =; float4 _expr49 = camera.up; float3 up =; float viewport_width = (aspect_ratio * 0.025); float3 w = -view_direction; float3 horizontal = cross(up, w); float3 vertical = cross(w, horizontal); float u = (((float(computeinput_main.gid1.x) / (width - 1.0)) * viewport_width) - (0.5 * viewport_width)); float v9 = (((float(computeinput_main.gid1.y) / (height - 1.0)) * 0.025) - (0.5 * 0.025)); float3 s = (((u * normalize(horizontal)) + (v9 * normalize(vertical))) + (0.035 * view_direction)); float3 dir = normalize(s); if (linear_mode) { const float4 _e84 = ray_color(origin2, dir, 100.0); target[coords] = _e84; } else { const NonlinearRayColorResult _e85 = nonlinear_ray_color(origin2, dir); target[coords] = _e85.color; mapping[coords] = _e85.mapping_point; } if (((computeinput_main.gid1.x < 8u) && (computeinput_main.gid1.y == 0u))) { float _expr96 = settings.mouse_pos_x; float _expr98 = settings.mouse_pos_y; float2 mouse_pos = float2(_expr96, _expr98); float2 _expr104 = sample_positions[int(computeinput_main.gid1.x)]; float2 pos = (mouse_pos + (0.01 * _expr104)); float3 color2 = sample_colors[int(computeinput_main.gid1.x)]; float u = ((pos.x * viewport_width) - (0.5 * viewport_width)); float v10 = ((pos.y * 0.025) - (0.5 * 0.025)); float3 s = (((u * normalize(horizontal)) + (v10 * normalize(vertical))) + (0.035 * view_direction)); float3 dir = normalize(s); sample_rays(origin2, dir, coords.x, color2); return; } else { return; } } [2021-08-19T13:34:43Z WARN wgpu::backend::direct] Shader translation error for stage COMPUTE: D3DCompile error (0x80004005): C:\Users\korzn\Development\studium\linon\compute_shader(67,37-192): error X3014: incorrect number of arguments to numeric-type constructor [2021-08-19T13:34:43Z WARN wgpu::backend::direct] Please report it to [2021-08-19T13:34:43Z ERROR wgpu::backend::direct] wgpu error: Validation Error Caused by: In Device::create_compute_pipeline note: label = `compute_pipeline` Internal error: D3DCompile error (0x80004005): C:\Users\korzn\Development\studium\linon\compute_shader(67,37-192): error X3014: incorrect number of arguments to numeric-type constructor
Ah, I see the issue. Fix incoming
WGSL input: