⛔️ type/ad-blocking, The website refreshes or navigates infinitely, ❌ never-consent/unsupported, Consent popup is visible
Problematic URL(s)
The website require refreshes all the time while the Ghostery extension is active. The uBlock Origin also does not handle this website properly. See the video attached.
Description from a user:
"Recent change. bk.com and its various pages don't open properly now unless Ghostery is paused. I'd say it's been a week or two."
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[ ] IMPORTANT Please check this box if your submission contains any adult or NSFW content. Additionally, prefix the issue title with "[NSFW]" to alert others that the content may be sensitive.
What's happening?
⛔️ type/ad-blocking, The website refreshes or navigates infinitely, ❌ never-consent/unsupported, Consent popup is visible
Problematic URL(s)
The website require refreshes all the time while the Ghostery extension is active. The uBlock Origin also does not handle this website properly. See the video attached.
Description from a user: "Recent change. bk.com and its various pages don't open properly now unless Ghostery is paused. I'd say it's been a week or two."
Other extensions used with Ghostery
No response
No response
Platform version
10 (22H2)
Chrome (incl. Chromium variants)
Browser version(s)
No response
Regional filters
No response
Custom filters
No response
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