I try your plugin to use for app with ios android and electron and I have this error message when I build app in electron 👍
Uncaught Error: Module cordova-plugin-qrscanner.QRScannerProxy does not exist.
at addEntry (cordova.js:1177)
at Object.exports.runs (cordova.js:1199)
at onScriptLoadingComplete (cordova.js:1337)
at scriptLoadedCallback (cordova.js:1358)
at HTMLScriptElement. (cordova.js:1312)
I try your plugin to use for app with ios android and electron and I have this error message when I build app in electron 👍
Uncaught Error: Module cordova-plugin-qrscanner.QRScannerProxy does not exist. at addEntry (cordova.js:1177) at Object.exports.runs (cordova.js:1199) at onScriptLoadingComplete (cordova.js:1337) at scriptLoadedCallback (cordova.js:1358) at HTMLScriptElement. (cordova.js:1312)