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Align DNS setup for workload clusters across providers #1037

Open teemow opened 2 years ago

teemow commented 2 years ago

At the moment we've created separate (copied) DNS operators for each and every provider. We reconcile the CAPI cluster information and then add the corresponding dns entries in route53, cloudflare etc.

So I was wondering how we can make this translation thinner. Afaik with external-dns you can define DNS entries with annotations for services and ingresses. We can define services and ingress for all components that we need to create DNS names for. Can't we?

Would it make sense to use external-dns as an abstraction of the DNS provider? This way we would also get the flexibilty to have more options for DNS configuration.


teemow commented 2 years ago

@alex-dabija this came up in a call with @mnitchev. I guess it is a bit too late to change the GCP plans here. But still I wanted to write this down to discuss this for the future. It is not urgent if there is no current pain.

alex-dabija commented 2 years ago

These operators have 2 responsibilities at the moment:

We agreed in the KaaS Sync that the DNS needs to be redone but we decided to keep things simple for now and to have the separate operators. It's one of the leftovers from the CAPI Hive Sprint.

alex-dabija commented 2 years ago

Yes, I agree at some point we need to clean up our DNS configuration.

teemow commented 2 years ago

This includes the delegation from the customer's hosted zone to the workload cluster's hosted zone. This still needs to be implemented. it can be a single controller supporting multiple DNS providers or a controller per DNS provider;

Alright I forgot about the hosted zone. It is not the customer hosted zone but the hosted zone that we use in the management cluster and delegate it from there. Afaik we are mainly doing this to allow access to the zone within the workload cluster account. So this has security implications.

Good question how this will work if we decide to create a flat DNS hierarchy. At least with the new approach we would lose that each management cluster and each workload cluster are scoped and a hacked management or workload cluster can't change DNS of another management or workload cluster.

alex-dabija commented 2 years ago

My understanding of DNS flat structure is slightly different than the proposal in the RFC: .

Personally, I'm in favor of having a hosted zone per customer and cloud provider in order to avoid the complications of doing cross cloud DNS. This would still allow us to promote a workload cluster to a management cluster for the same customer on the same cloud provider. It's also aligned with our current approach and we can still use UUIDs within the customer's hosted zone.

alex-dabija commented 2 years ago

I just realized that the current implementation is not align with the flat DNS structure that I was talking about (my bad) and we could probably simplify the DNS configuration if we have a hosted zone per customer and cloud provider, because:

teemow commented 2 years ago

I do think we need a hosted zone per workload cluster or how would you scope the permissions on the workload cluster side? A hacked workload cluster should not be able to change any DNS of another workload cluster or the management cluster.

alex-dabija commented 2 years ago

I do think we need a hosted zone per workload cluster or how would you scope the permissions on the workload cluster side? A hacked workload cluster should not be able to change any DNS of another workload cluster or the management cluster.

Yes, you're right. I was only thinking from the point of view of simplifying things.

teemow commented 1 year ago

@giantswarm/team-cabbage we need to think about this as whole also from the ingress wildcard perspective. @bavarianbidi started a thread in slack:

weatherhog commented 1 year ago

We in Cabbage will take this into refinement and will come up with a basic idea how to align the DNS setup

ubergesundheit commented 1 year ago

Gist from the slack thread: Deprecate custom operators and replace with using external-dns.

external-dns is not able to set up zones and also its role has access to its clusters subdomain.

In order to create a wildcard record, a external-dns CR needs to be created.

One possibility would be to include a external-dns CR in the ingress controllers helm charts.

@Gacko will do some more additional discovery

Gacko commented 1 year ago

Is the API server LoadBalancer created by an operator? Because I feel like external-dns doesn't need the API server LoadBalancer but other components of a cluster might do so and so the cluster won't come up without the DNS record and so external-dns might also not come up.

So in the end all we can do is moving the wildcard ingress DNS record to either an external-dns CR or maybe the ingress LoadBalancer service annotation (both needs to be tested). This would result in the wildcard ingress DNS record getting created upon ingress controller installation instead of beforehand / cluster rollout.

bavarianbidi commented 1 year ago


opsctl (scope: cluster lifecycle)

For a smooth integration in opsctl we need the following DNS Records per workload cluster (in that case, management cluster = workload cluster)

Note: CAPI doesn't depend on the Giant Swarm specific DNS record

advanced AuthN/AuthZ

For the kubernetes API OIDC-integration, dex is running within the management cluster. For that the k8s API-Server is configured with https://dex.<myClusterName>.<someKindOfBaseDomain> (e.g.

As wildcard CNAME record got created which points to ingress.<myClusterName>.<someKindOfBaseDomain> and ingress.<myClusterName>.<someKindOfBaseDomain> is an A record which points to the LoadBalancer IP of svc/nginx-ingress-controller-app in namespace/kube-system, requests to dex.<myClusterName>.<someKindOfBaseDomain> will appear on the nginx-ingress-controller.

For dex and login an ingress object already exist.


To make the webUIs of prometheus, grafana and alertmanager accessible, prometheus.<myClusterName>.<someKindOfBaseDomain>, grafana.<myClusterName>.<someKindOfBaseDomain> and alertmanager.<myClusterName>.<someKindOfBaseDomain> must be resolvable. This is currently done by having the wildcard CNAME in place and requests are handled by nginx-ingress-controller as ingress objects for these three targets exists.


To make the happa webUI and happa API accessible, happa.<myClusterName>.<someKindOfBaseDomain> and happaapi.<myClusterName>.<someKindOfBaseDomain> must be resolvable. This is currently done by having the wildcard CNAME in place and requests are handled by nginx-ingress-controller as ingress objects for these three targets exists.


Same from above applies for athena.<myClusterName>.<someKindOfBaseDomain> as well.

not 100% sure for what it's used

current implementation

All dns-operators are applied on the management cluster and are reconciling the cluster CRs and the infracluster specific CRs (some of them are doing more advanced stuff but in general the cluster and infracluster CRs are common)


dns-operator-route53 (used in CAPVCD)


to be documented but i guess the feature set is more or less the same as in dns-operator-route53


to be documented but i guess the feature set is more or less the same as in dns-operator-route53

possible implementation

The idea is having external-dns and dns-operator-* in a combination.

scope of dns-operator-*

  1. dns-operator takes care of the DNS zone creation per cluster
  2. dns-operator also takes care of the zone delegation to make the entire DNS chain work
  3. dns-operator create A records for api and bastion1


As all accessible endpoints are already defined with a valid FQDN in the corresponding ingress object and for some of them we use some kind of ACME services to get certificates we could use external-dns to create A records by reconciling on an ingress base.

This is currently possible as external-dns get's the external IP from the ingress.status field and create an A record for the defined ingress.spec.rules.[].host.

possible future implementation

as there are currently some discussions for defining desired DNS records via an additional CRD for external-dns it could be possible in the future to have a small controller which just creates these new (non existing yet) CRs by reconciling CAPI CRs and external-dns takes care of the DNS record creation.

The only missing part might be the DNS zone creation and DNS zone delegation.

bavarianbidi commented 1 year ago

After a short discussion with @Gacko we came to the following conclusion:


cc: @alex-dabija / @teemow

Gacko commented 1 year ago

Regarding your last point:

prepare external-dns to make a default deployment with an opt-in wildcard record work (mainly because our exposing-workload example implies a wildcard CNAME which point to the cluster specific ingress)

I don't think this is part of external-dns but rather the specific ingress controller. We're setting an annotation on the Service object of the installed ingress controller containing the desired FQDN, which currently is ingress.CLUSTER_DOMAIN. external-dns reconciles this and creates the according DNS entry.

In the future we would need to set *.CLUSTER_DOMAIN instead to make the simple "out-of-the-box" / "catch-all" solution work.

You possibly mean the same, but I wasn't sure. :)

bavarianbidi commented 1 year ago

In the future we would need to set *.CLUSTER_DOMAIN instead to make the simple "out-of-the-box" / "catch-all" solution work.

independent of the implementation to make the simple "out-of-the-box" / "catch-all" solution work, something has to be done. So yes i mean the same just wanted to make sure we don't loose/track the "out-of-the-box-for-hello-world-demo-stuff" feature.

bavarianbidi commented 1 year ago

In the current pre-alpha version of a CAPZ based management cluster we've got external-dns up and running. All required DNS-Entries for components running "on top of kubernetes" (no bastion host and api server record) got created by adding the external-dns required annotation on all relevant ingress objects.

external-dns change:

add external-dns annotation to relevant ingress objects:

@alex-dabija / @teemow how should we proceed with other CAPI provider implementations? cc @cornelius-keller / @gawertm

paurosello commented 1 year ago

I am not sure moving away from the wildcard record is the best, customers like adidas on deu01 have close to 4000 records, where each of them would now become a new DNS entry, not sure externalDNS can handle this many entries.

Gacko commented 1 year ago

They probably could still create this wildcard record via an ExternalDNS Endpoint CR, but yeah, you're right. I'd at least remove the creation of the ingress.<domain> record from dns-operator-*s.

whites11 commented 1 year ago

@Gacko ingress.<domain> record is created by external-dns.

whites11 commented 1 year ago

We believe it is important to keep the wildcard record, we will discuss this in kaas-sync

Gacko commented 1 year ago

@whites11 Yes, but also by dns-operator-route53. That's why I filed a PR to remove it there.

erkanerol commented 1 year ago

Sorry for being late for the party. I noticed @Gacko's PR for dns-operator-route53 and I want to understand what we want to do.

CAPV and CAPVCD status dns-operator-route53 creates ingress.<cluster-name>.<base-domain> for all clusters (MC itself and WCs if nginx-ingress exists in the WC). We configure it once via config repository in mc-bootstrap repo.

My understanding about what we want (Based on azure repositories) external-dns should be part of default-apps-<provider> so we deploy it to every cluster. For each cluster, the user has to provide credentials for external-dns. external-dns will be responsible for only ingress.<cluster-name>.<base-domain>. The remaining ones ( api, wildcard, etc) will be created by dns-operator-<whatever>

Is my understanding right?

Gacko commented 1 year ago

Yes, your understanding is right. Additionally external-dns can be used to reconcile more services and/or different FQDN than just ingress.<cluster-name>.<base-domain>, e.g. ingress-internal.<cluster-name>.<base-domain> or also hostnames in Ingress resources.

Gacko commented 1 year ago

At best even the wildcard is being dropped from the operator and customers would instead set single hostnames via their ingresses, but that's what @paurosello pointed out.

alex-dabija commented 1 year ago

FYI @JosephSalisbury

erkanerol commented 1 year ago

Is there a clear decision about this? As far as I recall, we have discussed it in KaaS sync but couldn't arrive at any conclusion.

alex-dabija commented 1 year ago

Is there a clear decision about this? As far as I recall, we have discussed it in KaaS sync but couldn't arrive at any conclusion.

No, there's no decision on this yet. In KaaS Sync we agreed to have a followup meeting to figure out where we are and what are the next steps. I just scheduled the meeting for next Monday at 13:30 CET.

alex-dabija commented 1 year ago

Notes from our meeting:

gawertm commented 1 year ago

sounds good to me, removing Rocket for now to keep backlog clean. Once its picked up by Turtles again, happy to take some alignment tasks to rocket as well