When I play the problematic track as "first track" Lastfm doesn't report any track being scrobbled.
If I switch to the problematic track from a working track as "second track" being played, Lastfm reports the previous track as if was still being scrobbled.
I have no idea what makes this track behave this way.
ID data:
Artist Name : LiSA
Track Title : Believe in myself
Album Title : Letters to U
Date : 2016
Genre : Rock, Pop
Composer : LiSA
Performer :
Album Artist : LiSA
Track Number : 1/7
Total Tracks :
Disc Number :
Total Discs :
Comment : JASRAC / Aniplex Inc.
When I play the problematic track as "first track" Lastfm doesn't report any track being scrobbled. If I switch to the problematic track from a working track as "second track" being played, Lastfm reports the previous track as if was still being scrobbled.
I have no idea what makes this track behave this way.
ID data: Artist Name : LiSA Track Title : Believe in myself Album Title : Letters to U Date : 2016 Genre : Rock, Pop Composer : LiSA Performer :
<07F42305-3C75-529C-BA48-09435E88980D> : <45B1D925-1448-5784-B4DA-B89901050A13> : 10006001 <50DBF5A2-F864-5C17-BE00-C36DFD3DF7B4> : <8E90F26B-372A-5C8C-BB05-1EC0F36EE60C> : VVXX00269B14A <93A74BEA-CE97-5571-A56A-C5084DBA9873> : JPE301100601Album Artist : LiSA Track Number : 1/7 Total Tracks : Disc Number : Total Discs : Comment : JASRAC / Aniplex Inc.