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vim-coloresuque cause lightline disable when do LspHover #44

Closed leoatchina closed 4 years ago

leoatchina commented 4 years ago

You can find the discutions here below After I masked vim-coloresque in my config, that issue not happend https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim/issues/409#issuecomment-576089668

Vim version: vim with popup windows(not neovim) OS : Windows , linux , macOS . The screenshots is done in gvim8.2 on windows.

I use vim-lsp for vim-completion, and when I do LspHover to get the information of a function, the popup windows appeard, and lightline disabled One more thing, the complete_engine is asyncomplete.vim or ncm2


I reload my .vimrc without quiting vim , lightline came back, and then do LspHover for manytimes, lightline keeped normal 图片

If I use neovim or vim without popup, this issue not happen

Maybe it is related with this line https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim/blob/8b3aa1632c08784928458b2b85faf5c89feefccf/autoload/lightline.vim#L14