glasklart / hd

The Retina Glasklart Theme
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Glasklart Open Thread #1323

Closed jfelchner closed 8 years ago

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

I thought we needed a place to just shoot the crap, ask random stuff, etc.

This issue will never be closed and I'm expecting it to get rather long. :)

Unless you're using Github notifications or sorting your issues by "Updated" rather than "Submitted" this issue will probably fall below page 1 very quickly.

Hopefully that will keep the noise to a minimum. :smile:

/cc @glasklart/maintainers @glasklart/feature-contributors

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@dreamnet dang it! The freaking #'s are markup for headers.

One more time señor.


The \# will tell Github that it should be a literal #.

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

sigh :frowning:

I honestly thought FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING DO NOT MODIFY THIS FREAKING LINE in all caps would be enough to stop people from modifying the line.

Evidently I'm too optimistic about people's ability to follow directions.

MagnaMike commented 11 years ago

Some people just want to watch the world burn. :wink: :tongue: On Mar 1, 2013 6:29 PM, "Jeff Felchner" wrote:

sigh [image: :frowning:]

I honestly thought FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING DO NOT MODIFY THIS FREAKING LINE in all caps would be enough to stop people from modifying the line.

Evidently I'm too optimistic about people's ability to follow directions.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

alldayremix commented 11 years ago

Maybe if it said IF YOU MODIFY THIS LINE YOUR REQUEST WILL BE REJECTED it would stop people from modifying it (sadly, probably not)

rentiak commented 11 years ago

@Youppi3 You can check out this video I made which includes a step of stroking an outline: That's the best way in my experience - stroke with a contrasting color, then magic wand the stroked line and delete if you want it to be a negative-space outline

dreamnet commented 11 years ago

@jfelchner No problemo, amigo - "Accepted Artwork" line updated.

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

Hey all, anyone have a good app for figuring out how much memory/CPU is being used by running processes? Like the top Unix command but as an app?

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! @dreamnet just got overtaken by @trevormeiss!!!!

Better watch out @scottbuckley. He's comin for YOU! :gun:


gaetan-petit commented 11 years ago

Do you know guys why some app will use the theme in notifications and some others the default one?

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@gaetan-petit as far as I know, it's based on how they code it. If they have a separate 50px icon they use that, but some devs just use the 114px icon and have iOS size it down. Those are the ones that show as the Glasklart icon in notifications/settings.

ghost commented 11 years ago

@jfelchner is there a reason why my iPad won't display all of the icons correctly? the only ones that change are the screen lock and settings, and maybe cydia. the font becomes white on my calendar. If there is already a thread for these please refer me to it so I can keep my noob questions for other pages lol

alldayremix commented 11 years ago

@BTG2013 as mentioned in this comment Glasklart is barely compatible with iPad at all.

The iPad uses a different size of icon compared to the iPhone (144px vs 114px) and most (if not all?) icons haven't been made to that spec.

alldayremix commented 11 years ago

@Dream-Spinner here are answers to your questions from #1419:

  1. The instructions and such aren't getting to me. Anyone have an exact process (for iPhone 4) HD retina icon making?
  2. How do I submit icons do I make?
  3. Can you add the repos you 'make' here on Cydia?
  4. Are there rules? If so, where?
  5. @dreamnet has a very nice tutorial on his site here:
  6. Submit icons according to the section titled Fulfilling Your Own Icon Requests in the README -- basically, make an icon request for your app, then reply to it with the icon you've created.
  7. The repositories here on Github are not the same as repositories on Cydia, so no, but @jfelchner publishes a new version of Glasklart (with the latest icons and updates) to Cydia on a regular basis.
  8. Anything you might term a 'rule' is probably specified in the README -- what to do, what not to do, etc.
ghost commented 11 years ago

@alldayremix thanks for the share.

dreamnet commented 11 years ago

@glasklart/maintainers I have done some optical enchantments to the script on - just to look a bit more "professional". I also added a short "explanation" what is to do to request a new icon. If anyone want's some changes or correct my poor english - please let me know.

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@vinstic I'm really sad to hear that. :frowning: but we all only have 24 hours in a day. Just spend as much time as you can!

As far as Accepted Artwork, I haven't said anything because @dreamnet and I are just trying it out for now. But I think how it's going to work is that, after the Accepted Artwork line, we're going to paste the dreamnet preview for the contribution that we are going to officially add to Glasklart.

There's no need to add a literal URL, the script will grab it out of the preview.

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@dreamnet it looks fantastic!!

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@vinstic no, can you not edit other people's comments? Isn't there a :pencil2: icon that you can click on?

I click that, copy the preview text for the preview that I'm accepting, and then click the :pencil2: icon on the issue and paste it below Accepted Artwork

dreamnet commented 11 years ago

@vinstic Rightyright!!! Corrected and autofocus is now set on the input field. THX!

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@vinstic autofocus was a great idea.

@glasklart/maintainers BTW, as you know I don't like having issues open for too long. I like to keep our list of things to look at manageable. Because of this and the high volume of requests we're getting, I'm being a lot more harsh about invalid icon requests and just closing them out.

Once the user corrects their issue, we can reopen it.

I'm reserving invalid status for something like where the requester follows all the rules but maybe we still don't have a good 'iPhone Icon Name' candidate.

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@vinstic ok, I can get behind that.

ryjacs commented 11 years ago

How do we request cydia icons? Is it similar to the process that was used before to request new icons?

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@ryjacs you'll need to manually find all of the information that is specified for non-Cydia icons and put an icon request together with that information.

AppInfo will be your friend there. We require at least a 512px artwork.

cr0w-69 commented 11 years ago

@ryjacs s a really easy way to get the icon and bundle names and icon name (theres only one) for cydia icons is to do the following in AppInfo

  1. Tap on Springboard
  2. Tap On Cydia
  3. Tap the Icon you want to make (im using ProTube as an example)
  4. It would say the following

    Id: de.j-gessner.ProTube IconFile: icon.png

Hope this helped!

cr0w-69 commented 11 years ago

BTW when is the next update coming?

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@cr0w-69 today.

gaetan-petit commented 11 years ago

Rule 1 of the glasklart club, you do not ask about an update from the Glasklart club. :D

Le dimanche 3 mars 2013, Jeff Felchner a écrit :

@cr0w-69 today.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

dreamnet commented 11 years ago

@gaetan-petit :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

scottbuckley commented 11 years ago

Rule 2 of the Glasklart club: You DO NOT ask about an update of the Glasklart club.


On Monday, 4 March 2013, Günther Kirchmair wrote:

@gaetan-petit [image: :laughing:][image: :laughing:][image: :laughing:]

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@gaetan-petit I almost peed my pants! LMAO!!

kennatken commented 11 years ago

If there is an Icon already made for an app (e.g. Flipboard) and the default logo is being displayed instead of the custom GlasKlart Icon, how to I get the default logo to be overriden by the custom icon?

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@kennatken wait for the update.

nekholm commented 11 years ago

How about requesting an icon for an app that technically has a glasklart icon, like there's a different app for different countries (like NRJ Radio, McDonald's), but it's only been made to match one of them? Make a request and a comment with the existing file?

dreamnet commented 11 years ago

@nekholm One request per app is needed, because they have all different Bundle ID's, iTunes ID's and maybe different icon names.

Dream-Spinner commented 11 years ago

The instructions and such aren't getting to me. Anyone have an exact process (for iPhone 4) HD retina icon making?

How do I submit icons do I make?

Can you add the repos you 'make' here on Cydia?

Are there rules? If so, where?

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@Dream-Spinner the README and @dreamnet's icon-making page are our "exact process". I don't know what we can do besides give you a step-by-step process.

Dream-Spinner commented 11 years ago

Is the one for homescreen usage the Cydia folder one in the PSD files folder?

MagnaMike commented 11 years ago

@vinstic Yea, go ahead - delete the default themes, I did. If you ever want them back, re-install/when you update Winterboard they'll be back. :wink:

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@dreamnet would it help you if I set the assignee to you whenever I process an icon into Glasklart?

dreamnet commented 11 years ago

@jfelchner Hmmm... Yes, this would help - if it's not to much work for you.

BenChaimberg commented 11 years ago

When you say "10 icon requests per week," does that reset after the update, or after exactly a week after your 10th? Also does this apply to icons you have created but need uploaded?

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@Youppi3 you contribute enough icons, you don't have a limit. :)

But to answer the question, it's 10 icon requests as reflected on your public Github profile page. Yours is here.

nekholm commented 11 years ago

Can the background in an open folder be made transparent, so you'd see your transparent icons against your background picture instead of a greyish black background?

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@nekholm yes, but it's already slightly transparent. If you made it more so it would look horrible.

BenChaimberg commented 11 years ago

100th comment! Also, with the release of the new Glasklart Settings, how would one theme the app icons in settings/is this coming in the future?

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@Youppi3 #551 is required before we do that.

rentiak commented 11 years ago

In other news - my head hits the desk every time I see a flashlight or camera app request show up with their lens flare and gradients... and I haven't even been doing this very long...

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@rentiak It's like, how many different features can you have for "it turns on the flash". It's on. It's off. It strobes at varying intervals. THAT'S IT! How can there POSSIBLY be a need for 1,000 different apps to do the same damn thing!?

jfelchner commented 11 years ago

@glasklart/maintainers I'm going to be out of town and not getting on the internet very much for the next few days. I'll be back on the 18th.

I will probably be able to do basic Glasklart icon updates this weekend but feature updates will have to wait until I get back.

While I'm gone, @dreamnet, @vinstic and @scottbuckley will have the final say in all things related to icon contributions. @MagnaMike and @Tr1pTr0p will be in charge of any theme changes/discussions.

I will not be reviewing any conversations on icon contributions when I get back but I will review all of the threads around everything else.

While I'm out, any time I check in, this will the the only thread I check. So if there's an emergency, post it here.

Do me a favor, if you burn the house down, do it with style. :fire: :house: :fire: :fire_engine:


dreamnet commented 11 years ago

@jfelchner Have a nice time!