Closed NullVoxPopuli closed 8 months ago
or maybe something else is going on, it's so hard to tell
oh actually, this is true, the compiled output of @glimmer/reference
doesn't include Reference
import { Nullable, Reference, ReferenceSymbol } from "@glimmer/interfaces";
declare const REFERENCE: ReferenceSymbol;
interface ReferenceEnvironment {
getProp(obj: unknown, path: string): unknown;
setProp(obj: unknown, path: string, value: unknown): unknown;
declare function createPrimitiveRef<T extends string | symbol | number | boolean | null | undefined>(value: T): Reference<T>;
declare const UNDEFINED_REFERENCE: Reference<any>;
declare const NULL_REFERENCE: Reference<any>;
declare const TRUE_REFERENCE: Reference<true>;
declare const FALSE_REFERENCE: Reference<false>;
declare function createConstRef<T>(value: T, debugLabel: false | string): Reference<T>;
declare function createUnboundRef<T>(value: T, debugLabel: false | string): Reference<T>;
declare function createComputeRef<T = unknown>(compute: () => T, update?: Nullable<(value: T) => void>, debugLabel?: false | string): Reference<T>;
declare function createReadOnlyRef(ref: Reference): Reference;
declare function isInvokableRef(ref: Reference): boolean;
declare function createInvokableRef(inner: Reference): Reference;
declare function isConstRef(_ref: Reference): boolean;
declare function isUpdatableRef(_ref: Reference): boolean;
declare function valueForRef<T>(_ref: Reference<T>): T;
declare function updateRef(_ref: Reference, value: unknown): void;
declare function childRefFor(_parentRef: Reference, path: string): Reference;
declare function childRefFromParts(root: Reference, parts: string[]): Reference;
declare let createDebugAliasRef: undefined | ((debugLabel: string, inner: Reference) => Reference);
interface IterationItem<T, U> {
key: unknown;
value: T;
memo: U;
interface AbstractIterator<T, U, V extends IterationItem<T, U>> {
isEmpty(): boolean;
next(): Nullable<V>;
type OpaqueIterationItem = IterationItem<unknown, unknown>;
type OpaqueIterator = AbstractIterator<unknown, unknown, OpaqueIterationItem>;
interface IteratorDelegate {
isEmpty(): boolean;
next(): {
value: unknown;
memo: unknown;
} | null;
type KeyFor = (item: unknown, index: unknown) => unknown;
declare function createIteratorRef(listRef: Reference, key: string): Reference<ArrayIterator | IteratorWrapper>;
declare function createIteratorItemRef(_value: unknown): Reference<unknown>;
declare class IteratorWrapper implements OpaqueIterator {
private inner;
private keyFor;
constructor(inner: IteratorDelegate, keyFor: KeyFor);
isEmpty(): boolean;
next(): OpaqueIterationItem;
declare class ArrayIterator implements OpaqueIterator {
private iterator;
private keyFor;
private current;
private pos;
constructor(iterator: unknown[] | readonly unknown[], keyFor: KeyFor);
isEmpty(): boolean;
next(): Nullable<IterationItem<unknown, number>>;
export { AbstractIterator, createIteratorItemRef, createIteratorRef, IterationItem, IteratorDelegate, OpaqueIterationItem, OpaqueIterator, childRefFor, childRefFromParts, createComputeRef, createConstRef, createDebugAliasRef, createInvokableRef, createPrimitiveRef, createReadOnlyRef, createUnboundRef, FALSE_REFERENCE, isConstRef, isInvokableRef, isUpdatableRef, NULL_REFERENCE, REFERENCE, Reference, ReferenceEnvironment, TRUE_REFERENCE, UNDEFINED_REFERENCE, updateRef, valueForRef };
looks like this is due to export { value, type AType } from .../
never makes it to the output
or no, it's just hidden in that super long line at the bottom. what is goin on in my consuming project then....
in particular, type-imports are making it in to the dist-output as values, which then errors when checking under typescript (but not runtime) due to the import not existing.
For example,
, but that import should not be present at all in the dist output, because in the source it is a type import.