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morphosemantic links #50

Open arademaker opened 3 years ago

arademaker commented 3 years ago

The Morphosemantic Database in defines a set of semantic relations associated with derivationally related words. Some of these relations can be mapped to the current relations in the DTD and or but some are missing (e.g. bodyPart). Can we add the missing one in the DTD?

jmccrae commented 3 years ago

We probably should, yes. Can someone extract a list of these values?

arademaker commented 3 years ago

These are the relation and the number of pairs in the XLS file lilnked above:

% cat rels.txt | sort | uniq -c
3043 agent
  43 body-part
1273 by-means-of
  17 destination
8158 event
 813 instrument
 288 location
 114 material
 318 property
1439 result
 528 state
 878 undergoer
 740 uses
  87 vehicle

all relations are between senses. They are also defined here

fcbond commented 3 years ago

We have a slightly corrected list somewhere.

arademaker commented 3 years ago

Sorry @fcbond , I didn't understand. Do you mean you have updates from this list? Because this list I took from the XLS data with the currently available version in the Princeton standoff files.