gnosygnu / xowa

xowa offline wiki application
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Suggestion: Adding "Not logged in" "Talk" "Contributions" "Create Account" "Log in" "View History" and more to XOWA #161

Open Ope30 opened 7 years ago

Ope30 commented 7 years ago

Hey there. I think we have talked about this suggestion already, but again, I cannot remember what you said about this. You could've said it is not possible or so, if that is the case, I'm sorry for bringing this up again. PS: Sorry for the long title. If you'd like, you can change it.

As I personally want XOWA to be look-alike as the original as much as possible, can you add what I mentioned above for all Wikipedia Languages? Of course they should not have a function. It is just for the sake of making it more look-alike.

One thing, "Contact Wikipedia" Mobile View" is missing. Could you add them as well? To be clear, if something is not possible for you to add, let's say "Contact Wikipedia", just leave it out and let me know!

gnosygnu commented 7 years ago

Hi, thanks for creating the issue. The title is perfect.

I think some of the above can be done (Talk is available now), but the problem is that most of what you're requesting is non-functional. XOWA doesn't support "Not logged in", "Contributions", "Create Account", etc. I can add that to the HTML, but clicking on these links wouldn't do anything. Hopefully you understand why this is wasn't done in the first place.

Moreover, as much as I try to make offline XOWA like online Wikipedia, it's impossible to be a perfect reproduction. I don't want to get in to the business of emulating "everything" simply because it's there on the online site. It requires a bit of time and work, when there are still other outstanding bugs / issues (as you've discovered)

Anyway, I hope this helps explain my thought process. I'll look at the items above later this weekend, and post again in terms of what I think is easily accomplishable


Ope30 commented 7 years ago

I think some of the above can be done (Talk is available now), but the problem is that most of what you're requesting is non-functional. XOWA doesn't support "Not logged in", "Contributions", "Create Account", etc. I can add that to the HTML, but clicking on these links wouldn't do anything. Hopefully you understand why this is wasn't done in the first place.

Moreover, as much as I try to make offline XOWA like online Wikipedia, it's impossible to be a perfect reproduction. I don't want to get in to the business of emulating "everything" simply because it's there on the online site. It requires a bit of time and work, when there are still other outstanding bugs / issues (as you've discovered)

Honestly, I completely understand your response to this!

Anyway, I hope this helps explain my thought process. I'll look at the items above later this weekend, and post again in terms of what I think is easily accomplishable

Okay. Cool!