go-gadgets / eventsourcing

Simple event-sourcing package for Go projects.
MIT License
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Google Pub/Sub Support #1

Open kwiesmueller opened 6 years ago

kwiesmueller commented 6 years ago

Hey there, I was looking for approaches to build a new system using event sourcing in golang and so far you implementation seemed the most interesting.

A few questions though. Do you think it would be possible to make this compatible with Pub/Sub (namely Google Pub/Sub) and how does a message queue fit into this?

Persisting the Events would then happen through Subscriptions and receiving commands as well. As far as I could see this shouldn't be an issue. I would also be happy to implement this and contribute if you like.

Do you have any experiences with this? Are you currently using this library in any production project?


steve-gray commented 6 years ago


Sorry for the delay responding:

Using in a lot of projects, mostly personal, but a there's at least three commercial uses that I'm aware of at this point in time.

kwiesmueller commented 6 years ago

Okay, cool! Will give the Middleware Idea a look in the next few days, thanks.

I am still not sure on how the entire pattern will match what we would like to do and how to aproach it so some experiments got to get started. Got to find the right mix between plain Event Driven development for communicating between our services and when to really use Event Sourcing for persistence. Still too new to the pattern it self and unsure about mostly everyhting :grimacing: