goatfungus / NMSSaveEditor

No Man's Sky - Save Editor
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Missing Name Mappings 1.11.5 #730

Closed Devilin-Pixy closed 1 year ago

Devilin-Pixy commented 1 year ago

Not an issue!

Those who wish to know what some of the missing mappings translate to, these are the ones I found to still be missing:

SQw = WhaleEvent
Naj = OverriddenReward
4In = CreatureId
HXT = MinRelativeScale
UVd = MaxRelativeScale
lFr = SpecificBiome
DqZ = StartingTrust
amP = TimeSinceLastEgg
0xI = TimeSinceBirth
X;? = RewardSwitchAlt
18k = Deadzone
Fth = Language
BZB = Hand
9N3 = HazardEffectsStrength
yID = IdToUseInMissionData
WmI = IsOptional
IsL = DecryptMissionSeed
MMA = RequireInteractionRace
me6 = UseMissionTradingDataOverride
4q6 = ShowOnlyIfSequenceTarget
AeI = NeedsPrimePlanet
L8= = NeedsSentinels
rER = AnyInfestedBiome
OHU = SamePlanetAsSeasonParty
4=k = ID
BBw = NameLower
SCS = Teach
i7< = HintStart
gWW = HintEnd
4Yf = Chargeable
y=c = ChargeAmount
uK< = ChargeType
J>I = SubstanceCategory
Gc7 = ChargeBy
cQc = ChargeMultiplier
7dP = BuildFullyCharged
67b = UsesAmmo
02l = AmmoId
qbd = PrimaryItem
8L; = Upgrade
3ol = Core
WAV = RepairTech
YIB = Procedural
LFj = Category
hQ1 = Rarity
UtG = TechnologyRarity
9J< = Requirements
huR = BaseStat
N=w = StatsType
txU = StatBonuses
Kex = Stat
B29 = Bonus
Ubj = RequiredTech
nW; = RequiredLevel
mRF = FocusLocator
7pJ = UpgradeColour
CX9 = LinkColour
753 = RewardGroup
GFy = BaseValue
s;F = Cost
gsT = SpaceStationMarkup
aS@ = LowPriceMod
TuK = HighPriceMod
xFq = BuyBaseMarkup
uEG = BuyMarkupMod
vnq = RequiredRank
>TS = DispensingRace
2mY = FragmentCost
Z@U = TechShopRarity
QqY = WikiEnabled
BQo = DamagedDescription
ByQ = ParentTechId
5;w = IsTemplate
33q = Hint
S2k = GroupID
@xZ = DebrisFile
WoW = HeroIcon
eem = ProductCategory
MLJ = Legality
l?S = Consumable
TbT = ChargeValue
Zq4 = StackMultiplier
TlS = DefaultCraftAmount
W=G = CraftAmountStepSize
@xT = CraftAmountMultiplier
c=A = AltRequirements
iBF = RecipeCost
kOX = SpecificChargeOnly
H:b = NormalisedValueOnWorld
KxX = NormalisedValueOffWorld
6:a = TradeCategory
TOS = WikiCategory
wFw = IsCraftable
Ch: = DeploysInto
VUh = EconomyInfluenceMultiplier
H9K = PinObjective
ec8 = PinObjectiveTip
rHh = CookingIngredient
e;b = CookingValue
E?H = GoodForSelling
LMQ = GiveRewardOnSpecialPurchase
RxV = EggModifierIngredient
YeP = IsTechbox
uWE = CanSendToOtherPlayers
Devilin-Pixy commented 1 year ago
wYX = InstantUIDelete
78s = EyeTrackingFlags
>3s = QuickMenuLauncherScreenData
6pZ = ScreenScale
w?h = ScreenOffset
dmU = ScreenRotation
ID< = VehicleWristMenuScreenData
dOt = WeaponMenuScreenData
jMN = LargeWeaponMenuScreenData

Svy = WonderCustomRecords
YvA = WonderCustomRecordsExtraData
7bp = ActualType
93I = WonderType
?n7 = SpaceAddress
heA = OwnerOnlineId
tj1 = OwnerPlatformId
yqB = BufferVersion
Qb3 = ItemsCount