goatfungus / NMSSaveEditor

No Man's Sky - Save Editor
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Related to scrambled UI #892

Open runlykhel opened 10 months ago

runlykhel commented 10 months ago

The UI overlapping opening of the same page multiple times that I and others have reported, stopped doing it today after being a mess all morning. Once again, I had gone into every part of my pc related to the mouse and found nothing and went into the mouse UI itself again found nothing. In doing these things all I had done was opened and closed every menu relating to the mouse, and Veola! problem has gone away for now; I changed nothing, only opened and closed different related menus. (Shrugs, not the first time a pc was touchy)

update: spoke too soon; it's back again.

@cjg67 your method didn't work for me. And I will post a problem as many times as I feel it is being ignored, it's been months without a hint from the dev.

Captsalt commented 9 months ago

I am having exactly the same issue. I've been though all my mouse settings and have NOT resolved the problem. Any help would be MUCH appreciated! Email: dgmcmahon777@gmail.com

cjg67 commented 9 months ago

Going through your computer settings will not in any way help with that. It is not a hardware issue. It is clearly a java error on windows 11. The provided solution of opening the dos box (command box) as administrator, and then using the standard dos changing directory commands, ie cd .. to go up a level and changing to the directory that you have placed the editor into and running the java command there will solve the issue. I had exactly the same error, and finally got sick of it, so came here to report it.
It is also not very helpful to the author of the save editor to open multiple requests on the same issue. Commenting within an existing thread is the way to do so.

Devilin-Pixy commented 9 months ago

See: "UI buggin out" #856

cjg67 commented 9 months ago

I would suggest that you actually try things BEFORE posting.