Develop allows you to edit existing Sugar activities or create new ones.
Develop is not part of the Sugar desktop, but can be added. Please refer to;
, then download, and;Ninja IDE is a direct dependency of develop-activity
, Ninja IDE is
obtained from Ninja releases
new introspection libraries which are used by develop activity to
check the code.
Ninja IDE comes bundled with its original GUI, its tests, installer etc. However these are unnecessary. Moreover, Ninja IDE Python3 branch is still in beta. So there are bugs in the code. For temporary fixes and removing code, there are patches on
The porting, or fixes are provided in patches, referred to in the folder Apply each patch to the latest Ninja-IDE version, so that the app is compatible, as well as we reduce the size of the develop-activity without adding unused dependencies.
Ninja IDE is a very old repository with a lot of commits. After
cloning the latest repository and applying the patches mentioned
above, consider removing .git
, .gitignore
to further reduce the
size and to prevent internal conflicts.