Attenuation model emits sound globally with max_distance setting only on the web build
Steps to reproduce
1) Create AudioStreamPlayer3D, AnimationPlayer
2) Add Audio Playback track to animation and play animation with AnimationPlayer
3) Configure moving camera to check if max_distance and attenuation model works properly
4) Build for web, sound is emitted globally for some reason.
Compare Web build to debug play, you will see that's only web build issue
As a workaround, change the AudioStreamPlayer3D's playback mode to Stream. This comes at the cost of increased latency though, especially when threads are disabled.
Tested versions
System information
Windows 10 - v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]
Issue description
Attenuation model emits sound globally with max_distance setting only on the web build
Steps to reproduce
1) Create AudioStreamPlayer3D, AnimationPlayer 2) Add Audio Playback track to animation and play animation with AnimationPlayer 3) Configure moving camera to check if max_distance and attenuation model works properly 4) Build for web, sound is emitted globally for some reason.
Compare Web build to debug play, you will see that's only web build issue
Minimal reproduction project (MRP)