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proposal: context: add Merge #36503

Closed navytux closed 1 year ago

navytux commented 4 years ago

EDIT 2023-02-05: Last try: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-1418138423. EDIT 2023-01-18: Updated proposal with 2 alternatives: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-1396216800. EDIT 2023-01-06: Updated proposal: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-1372860013.
EDIT 2020-07-01: The proposal was amended to split cancellation and values concerns: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-652542943.

( This proposal is alternative to https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36448. It proposes to add context.Merge instead of exposing general context API for linking-up third-party contexts into parent-children tree for efficiency )

Current context package API provides primitives to derive new contexts from one parent - WithCancel, WithDeadline and WithValue. This functionality covers many practical needs, but not merging - the case where it is neccessary to derive new context from multiple parents. While it is possible to implement merge functionality in third-party library (ex. lab.nexedi.com/kirr/go123/xcontext), with current state of context package, such implementations are inefficient as they need to spawn extra goroutine to propagate cancellation from parents to child.

To solve the inefficiency I propose to add Merge functionality to context package. The other possibility would be to expose general mechanism to glue arbitrary third-party contexts into context tree. However since a) Merge is a well-defined concept, and b) there are (currently) no other well-known cases where third-party context would need to allocate its own done channel (see https://github.com/golang/go/issues/28728; this is the case where extra goroutine for cancel propagation needs to be currently spawned), I tend to think that it makes more sense to add Merge support to context package directly instead of exposing a general mechanism for gluing arbitrary third-party contexts.

Below is description of the proposed API and rationale:

---- 8< ----

Merging contexts

Merge could be handy in situations where spawned job needs to be canceled whenever any of 2 contexts becomes done. This frequently arises with service methods that accept context as argument, and the service itself, on another control line, could be instructed to become non-operational. For example:

func (srv *Service) DoSomething(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
    defer xerr.Contextf(&err, "%s: do something", srv)

    // srv.serveCtx is context that becomes canceled when srv is
    // instructed to stop providing service.
    origCtx := ctx
    ctx, cancel := xcontext.Merge(ctx, srv.serveCtx)
    defer cancel()

    err = srv.doJob(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        if ctx.Err() != nil && origCtx.Err() == nil {
            // error due to service shutdown
            err = ErrServiceDown
        return err


func Merge

func Merge(parent1, parent2 context.Context) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc)

Merge merges 2 contexts into 1.

The result context:

Canceling this context releases resources associated with it, so code should call cancel as soon as the operations running in this Context complete.

---- 8< ----

To do the merging of ctx and srv.serveCtx done channels current implementation has to allocate its own done channel and spawn corresponding goroutine:

https://lab.nexedi.com/kirr/go123/blob/5667f43e/xcontext/xcontext.go#L90-118 https://lab.nexedi.com/kirr/go123/blob/5667f43e/xcontext/xcontext.go#L135-150

context.WithCancel, when called on resulting merged context, will have to spawn its own propagation goroutine too.

For the reference here is context.Merge implementation in Pygolang that does parents - child binding via just data:

https://lab.nexedi.com/kirr/pygolang/blob/64765688/golang/context.cpp#L74-76 https://lab.nexedi.com/kirr/pygolang/blob/64765688/golang/context.cpp#L347-352 https://lab.nexedi.com/kirr/pygolang/blob/64765688/golang/context.cpp#L247-251 https://lab.nexedi.com/kirr/pygolang/blob/64765688/golang/context.cpp#L196-226

/cc @Sajmani, @rsc, @bcmills

navytux commented 4 years ago

Judging by #33502 this proposal seems to have been missed. Could someone please add it to Proposals/Incoming project? Thanks.

dweomer commented 4 years ago
  ctx, cancel := xcontext.Merge(ctx, srv.serveCtx)

Is not the struct-held reference to a context a smell (regardless that it is long-lived)? If your server must be cancellable isn't it better practice to establish a "done" channel (and select on that + ctx in main thread) for it and write to that when the server should be done? This does not incur an extra goroutine.

navytux commented 4 years ago

@dweomer, as I already explained in the original proposal description there are two cancellation sources: 1) the server can be requested to be shutdown by its operator, and 2) a request can be requested to be canceled by client who issued the request. This means that any request handler that is spawned to serve a request must be canceled whenever any of "1" or "2" triggers. How does "select on done + ctx in main thread" helps here? Which context should one pass into a request handler when spawning it? Or do you propose we pass both ctx and done into all handlers and add done into every select where previously only ctx was there? If it is indeed what your are proposing, I perceive Merge as a much cleaner solution, because handlers still receive only one ctx and the complexity of merging cancellation channels is not exposed to users.

Re smell: I think it is not. Go is actually using this approach by itself in database/sql, net/http (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and os/exec. I suggest to read Go and Dogma as well.

seebs commented 4 years ago

I just reinvented this independently. The situation is that I have two long-lived things, a shared work queue which several things could be using, and the individual things, and it's conceptually possible to want to close the shared work queue and make a new one for the things to use... And then there's an operation where the work queue scans through one of the things to look for extra work. That operation should shut down if either the thing it's scanning shuts down, or the shared work queue in general gets shut down.

Of course, context.Merge wouldn't quite help as one of them currently exposes a chan struct{}, not a Context.

rsc commented 4 years ago

I think I understand the proposal.

I'm curious how often this comes up. The Merge operation is significantly more complex to explain than any existing context constructor we have. On the other hand, the example of "server has a shutdown context and each request has its own, and have to watch both" does sound pretty common. I guess I'm a little confused about why the request context wouldn't already have the server context as a parent to begin with.

I'm also wondering whether Merge should take a ...context.Context instead of hard-coding two (think io.MultiReader, io.MultiWriter).

seebs commented 4 years ago

I do like the MultiReader/MultiWriter parallel; that seems like it's closer to the intent.

In our case, we have a disk-intensive workload that wants to be mediated, and we might have multiple network servers running independently, all of which might want to do some of that kind of work. So we have a worker that sits around waiting for requests, which come from those servers. And then we want to queue up background scans for "work that got skipped while we were too busy but we wanted to get back to it". The background scan of any given individual network server's workload is coming in parented by the network server, but now it also wants to abort if the worker decides it's closing. But the worker's not really contingent on the network server, and in some cases could be stopped or restarted without changing the network servers.

It's sort of messy, and I'm not totally convinced that this design is right. I think it may only actually matter during tests, because otherwise we wouldn't normally be running multiple network servers like this at once in a single process, or even on a single machine.

bcmills commented 4 years ago

@seebs, if the background work is continuing after the network handler returns, it's generally not appropriate to hold on to arbitrary values from the handler's Context anyway. (It may include stale values, such as tracing or logging keys, and could end up preventing a lot of other data reachable via ctx.Value() from being garbage-collected.)

seebs commented 4 years ago

... I think I mangled my description. That's true, but it doesn't happen in this case.

Things initiated from the network requests don't keep the network request context if any of their work has to happen outside of that context. They drop something in a queue and wander off.

The only thing that has a weird hybrid context is the "background scanning", because the background scanning associated with a given network server should stop if that server wants to shut down, but it should also stop if the entire worker queue wants to shut down even when the network server is running. But the background scanning isn't triggered by network requests, it's something the network server sets up when it starts. It's just that it's contingent on both that server and the shared background queue which is independent from all the servers.

navytux commented 4 years ago

@rsc, thanks for feedback.

Yes, as you say, the need for merge should be very pretty common - practically in almost all client-server cases on both client and server sides.

I guess I'm a little confused about why the request context wouldn't already have the server context as a parent to begin with.

For networked case - when client and server interoperate via some connection where messages go serialized - it is relatively easy to derive handler context from base context of server and manually merge it with context of request:

Here merging can happen manually because client request arrives to server in serialized form. The cancellation linking for client-server branch is implemented via message passing and serve loop. The data structures used for gluing resemble what Merge would do internally.

In other cases - where requests are not serialized/deserialized - the merge is needed for real, for example:

  1. on server a handler might need to call another internal in-process service ran with its own contexts;
  2. client and server are in the same process ran with their own contexts;
  3. on client every RPC stub that is invoked with client-provided context, needs to make sure to send RPC-cancellation whenever either that user-provided context is canceled, or underlying stream is closed;
  4. etc...

Since, even though they are found in practice, "1" and "2" might be viewed as a bit artificial, lets consider "3" which happens in practice all the time:

Consider any client method for e.g. RPC call - it usually looks like this:

func (cli *Client) DoSomething(ctx context.Context, ...) {
    cli.conn.Invoke(ctx, "DoSomething", ...)

conn.Invoke needs to make sure to issue request to server under context that is canceled whenever ctx is canceled, or whenever cli.conn is closed. For e.g. gRPC cli.conn is multiplexed stream over HTTP/2 transport, and stream itself must be closed whenever transport link is closed or brought down. This is usually implemented by way of associating corresponding contexts with stream and link and canceling stream.ctx <- link.ctx on link close/down. cli.conn.Invoke(ctx,...) should thus do exactly what Merge(ctx, cli.conn.ctx) is doing.

Now, since there is no Merge, everyone is implementing this functionality by hand with either extra goroutine, or by doing something like

reqCtx, reqCancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)

, keeping registry of issued requests with their cancel in link / stream data structures, and explicitly invoking all those cancels when link / stream goes down.

Here is e.g. how gRPC implements it:

And even though such explicit gluing is possible to implement by users, people get tired of it and start to use "extra goroutine" approach at some point:

In other words the logic and complexity that Merge might be doing internally, well and for everyone, without Merge is scattered to every user and is intermixed with the rest of application-level logic.

On my side I would need the Merge in e.g. on client,

and on server where context of spawned handlers is controlled by messages from another server which can tell the first server to stop being operational (it can be as well later told by similar message from second server to restart providing operational service):

https://lab.nexedi.com/kirr/neo/blob/85658a2c/go/neo/storage.go#L52-56 https://lab.nexedi.com/kirr/neo/blob/85658a2c/go/neo/storage.go#L422-431 https://lab.nexedi.com/kirr/neo/blob/85658a2c/go/neo/storage.go#L455-457 https://lab.nexedi.com/kirr/neo/blob/85658a2c/go/neo/storage.go#L324-343

and in many other places...

I often see simplicity as complexity put under control and wrapped into simple interfaces. From this point of view Merge is perfect candidate because 1) it is a well-defined concept, 2) it allows to offload users from spreading that complexity throughout their libraries/applications, and 3) it kind of makes a full closure for group of context operations, which was incomplete without it.

On "3" I think the following analogies are appropriate:

Without Merge context package is like

In other words Merge is a fundamental context operation.

Yes, Merge requires willingness from Go team to take that complexity and absorb it inside under Go API. Given that we often see reluctance to do so in other cases, I, sadly, realize that it is very unlikely to happen. On the other hand there is still a tiny bit of hope on my side, so I would be glad to be actually wrong on this...


P.S. I tend to agree about converting Merge to accept (parentv ...context.Context) instead of (parent1, parent2 context.Context).

P.P.S. merging was also discussed a bit in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/30694 where @taralx wrote: "While it is possible to do this by wrapping the handler and merging the contexts, this is error-prone and requires an additional goroutine to properly merge the Done channels."

rsc commented 4 years ago

@Sajmani and @bcmills, any thoughts on whether we should add context.Merge as described here? (See in particular the top comment.)

rsc commented 4 years ago

/cc @neild @dsnet as well for more context opinions

neild commented 4 years ago

Within Google's codebase, where the context package originated, we follow the rule that a context.Context should only be passed around via the call stack.

From https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments#contexts:

Don't add a Context member to a struct type; instead add a ctx parameter to each method on that type that needs to pass it along. The one exception is for methods whose signature must match an interface in the standard library or in a third party library.

This rule means that at any point in the call stack, there should be exactly one applicable Context, received as a function parameter. When following this pattern, the merge operation never makes sense.

While merging context cancellation signals is straightforward, merging context values is not. Contexts can contain trace IDs and other information; which value would we pick when merging two contexts?

I also don't see how to implement this efficiently without runtime magic, since it seems like we'd need to spawn a goroutine to wait on each parent context. Perhaps I'm missing something.

bcmills commented 4 years ago

For values, Merge would presumably bias toward one parent context or the other. I don't see that as a big problem.

I don't think runtime magic is needed to avoid goroutines, but we would at least need some (subtle) global lock-ordering for the cancellation locks, since we could no longer rely on the cancellation graph being tree-structured. It would at least be subtle to implement and test, and might carry some run-time overhead.

Sajmani commented 4 years ago

Context combines two somewhat-separable concerns: cancelation (via the Deadline, Done, and Err methods) and values. The proposed Merge function combines these concerns again, defining how cancelation and values are merged. But the example use case only relies on cancelation, not values: https://godoc.org/lab.nexedi.com/kirr/go123/xcontext#hdr-Merging_contexts

I would feel more comfortable with this proposal if we separated these concerns by providing two functions, one for merging two cancelation signals, another for merging two sets of values. The latter came up in a 2017 discussion on detached contexts: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19643#issuecomment-290933005

For the former, we'd want something like:

ctx = context.WithCancelContext(ctx, cancelCtx)

which would arrange for ctx.Done to be closed when cancelCtx.Done is closed and ctx.Err to be set from cancelCtx.Err, if it's not set already. The returned ctx would have the earlier Deadline of ctx and cancelCtx.

We can bikeshed the name of WithCancelContext, of course. Other possibilities include WithCanceler, WithCancelFrom, CancelWhen, etc. None of these capture Deadline, too, though.

rsc commented 4 years ago

@navytux, what do you think about Sameer's suggestion to split the two operations of WithContextCancellation and WithContextValues (with better names, probably)?

navytux commented 4 years ago

@Sajmani, @rsc, everyone, thanks for feedback.

First of all I apologize for the delay with replying as I'm overbusy this days and it is hard to find time to properly do. This issue was filed 7 months ago when things were very different on my side. Anyway, I quickly looked into what @Sajmani referenced in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-646713844, and to what other says; my reply is below:

Indeed Context combines two things in one interface: cancellation and values. Those things, however, are orthogonal. While merging cancellation is straightforward, merging values is not so - in general merging values requires merging strategy to see how to combine values from multiple sources. And in general case merging strategy is custom and application dependent.

My initial proposal uses simple merging strategy with values from parent1 taking precedence over values from parent2. It is simple merging strategy that I've came up with while trying to make Merge work universally. However the values part of my proposal, as others have noted, is indeed the weakest, as that merging strategy is not always appropriate.

Looking into what @Sajmani has said in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19643#issuecomment-290933005 and https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19643#issuecomment-313447399, and with the idea to separate cancellation and values concerns, I propose to split Context interface into cancellation-part and values-part and rework the proposal as something like follows:

// CancelCtx carries deadline and cancellation signal across API boundaries.
type CancelCtx interface {
        Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool)
        Done() <-chan struct{}
        Err() error

// CancelFunc activates CancelCtx telling an operation to abandon its work.
type CancelFunc func()

// Values carries set of key->value pairs across API boundaries.
type Values interface {
        Value(key interface{}) interface{}

// Context carries deadline, cancellation signal, and other values across API boundaries.
type Context interface {

// ... (unchanged)
func WithCancel   (parent Context) (ctx Context, cancel) 
func WithDeadline (parent Context, d  time.Time) (ctx Context, cancel) 
func WithTimeout  (parent Context, dt time.Duration) (ctx Context, cancel) 
func WithValue    (parent Context, key,val interface{}) Context 

// MergeCancel merges cancellation from parent and set of cancel contexts.
// It returns copy of parent with new Done channel that is closed whenever
//      - parent.Done is closed, or
//      - any of CancelCtx from cancelv is canceled, or
//      - cancel called
// whichever happens first.
// Returned context has Deadline as earlies of parent and any of cancels.
// Returned context inherits values from parent only.
func MergeCancel(parent Context, cancelv ...CancelCtx) (ctx Context, cancel CancelFunc)

// WithNewValues returns a Context with a fresh set of Values. 
// It returns a Context that satisfies Value calls using vs.Value instead of parent.Value.
// If vs is nil, the returned Context has no values. 
// Returned context inherits deadline and cancellation only from parent. 
// Note: WithNewValues can be used to extract "only-cancellation" and
// "only-values" parts of a Context via
//      ctxNoValues := WithNewValues(ctx, nil)           // only cancellation
//      ctxNoCancel := WithNewValues(Background(), ctx)  // only values
func WithNewValues(parent Context, vs Values) Context 

Values and WithNewValues essentially come from https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19643. Merge is reworked to be MergeCancel and only merging cancellation signal, not values. This separates values vs cancellation concerns, is general (does not hardcode any merging strategy for values), and can be implemented without extra goroutine.

For the reference, here is how originally-proposed Merge could be implemented in terms of MergeCancel and WithNewValues:

// Merge shows how to implement Merge from https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503
// in terms of MergeCancel and WithNewValues.
func Merge(parent1, parent2 Context) (Context, cancel) {
        ctx, cancel := MergeCancel(parent1, parent2)
        v12 := &vMerge{[]Values{parent1, parent2}}
        ctx = WithNewValues(ctx, v12)
        return ctx, cancel

// vMerge implements simple merging strategy: values from vv[i] are taking
// precedence over values from vv[j] for i>j.
type vMerge struct {
        vv []Values

func (m *vMerge) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
        for _, v := range m.vv {
                val := v.Value(key)
                if val != nil {
                        return val
        return nil

Regarding implementation: it was already linked-to in my original message, but, as people still raise concerns on whether "avoid extra-goroutine" property is possible, and on lock ordering, here it is once again how libgolang implements cancellation merging without extra goroutine and without any complex lock ordering:

https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/pygolang/blob/0e3da017/golang/context.h https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/pygolang/blob/0e3da017/golang/context.cpp

Maybe I'm missing something, and of course it will have to be adapted to MergeCancel and NewValues, but to me the implementation is relatively straightforward.


/cc @zombiezen, @jba, @ianlancetaylor, @rogpeppe for #19643

rsc commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply. We're probably not going to split the Context interface as a whole at this point. Note that even the ...CancelCtx would not accept a []Context, so that would be a stumbling block for users.

The value set merge can be done entirely outside the context package without any inefficiency. And as @neild points out, it's the part that is the most problematic.

The cancellation merge needs to be inside context, at least with the current API, or else you'd have to spend a goroutine on each merged context. (And we probably don't want to expose the API that would be required to avoid that.)

So maybe we should focus only on the cancellation merge and ignore the value merge entirely.

It still doesn't seem like we've converged on the right new API to add, though.

@bradfitz points out that not just the cancellation but also the timeouts get merged, right? (And the error that distinguishes between those two cases gets propagated?) So it's not really only merging cancellation.

It does seem like the signature is

func SOMETHING(parent Context, cancelv ...CancelCtx) (ctx Context, cancel CancelFunc)

Or maybe the op to expose is being able to cancel one context when another becomes done, like:

// Link arranges for context x to become done when context y does.
func Link(x, y Context) 

(with better names).


It seems like we're not yet at an obviously right answer.

navytux commented 4 years ago

@rsc, thanks for feedback. I think I need to clarify my previous message:

Regarding Link - I think it is better we indeed try to avoid exposing this general functionality to API. Link can create cycles and besides that it is not possible to implement Link for arbitrary third-party context because having only Context interface there is no way to cancel it even via extra goroutine or whatever. At least without introducing other extra interfaces a context must expose to be linkable. Contrary to that, MergeCancel is well-defined operation and can be implemented generally - efficiently if all arguments are native to context package, and via extra goroutine to propagate cancellation for contexts coming from third-party places.

What do you think? Does my feedback clarify anything? It would be good to also see what @Sajmani thinks.


rsc commented 4 years ago


FWIW, @sajmani's comment from 2017 https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19643#issuecomment-294534716 is out of date. WithNewValues can be implemented efficiently outside the context package, after changes we made recently.

Re: MergeCancel(parent Context, cancelCtx ...Context) being "worse overall because it looses generality", what generality does it lose? No one has any values of type CancelCtx today, so there is nothing to generalize. Even if we added the CancelCtx type, wouldn't every instance be a Context anyway? Certainly the only ones we can handle efficiently would be contexts.

It does sound like we're converging on

//  MergeCancel returns a copy of parent with additional deadlines and cancellations applied
// from the list of extra contexts. The returned context's Done channel is closed
// when the returned cancel function is called or when parent's Done channel is closed,
// or when any of the extra contexts' Done channels are closed.
// Canceling this context releases resources associated with it, so code should
// call cancel as soon as the operations running in this Context complete.
func MergeCancel(parent Context, extra ...Context) (ctx Context, cancel CancelFunc)

Does anyone object to those semantics? Maybe it should be MergeDone? Some better name?

DmitriyMV commented 4 years ago


WithNewValues can be implemented efficiently outside the context package, after changes we made recently.

Can you elaborate on those changes?

bcmills commented 4 years ago

I think if we want to use only a subset of the Context methods, we should require only the necessary subset of those methods, not the full Context interface. Otherwise we still have the same awkward asymmetry from the straight-up Merge with Value fallback — it's just that that asymmetry happens after the first argument instead of uniformly across all arguments. (Eliminating the Value method also doesn't provide much benefit in terms of implementation complexity: it addresses the straightforward Value-chaining problem, but not the more difficult lock-ordering problem.)

The issue of assignability from []Context could be addressed using the current generics draft instead, although I'm not sure whether that's better or worse:

type DoneCtx interface {
    Done() <-struct{}
    Err() error

func MergeDone[type DC DoneCtx](parent Context, extra ...DC) (ctx Context, cancel CancelFunc)
navytux commented 4 years ago

@rsc, everyone, thanks for feedback.

FWIW, @Sajmani's comment from 2017 https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19643#issuecomment-294534716 is out of date. WithNewValues can be implemented efficiently outside the context package, after changes we made recently.

@rsc, here you probably mean commit 0ad368675bae (CL196521), which implemented done propagation through foreign contexts via introducing dedicated cancelCtxKey value type:

https://github.com/golang/go/blob/11f92e9dae96939c2d784ae963fa7763c300660b/src/context/context.go#L288-L302 https://github.com/golang/go/blob/11f92e9dae96939c2d784ae963fa7763c300660b/src/context/context.go#L353-L358 https://github.com/golang/go/blob/11f92e9dae96939c2d784ae963fa7763c300660b/src/context/context.go#L264-L285

In other words, in today's implementation, for cancellation to work efficiently, cancelCtxKey value has to be present in values, or else, the next time e.g. WithCancel is called, it will have to spawn a goroutine to propagate cancellation.

If we imagine WithNewValues be implemented outside of context package, how that third-party place would a) care to preserve cancelCtxKey when switching values to new set, and b) care not to inject cancelCtxKey from the new set of values not to corrupt cancellation? All that given that cancelCtxKey is private to context package.

Maybe I'm missing something, but to me this tells that even today, WithNewValues cannot be efficiently and even correctly implemented outside of context package.

Regarding cancellation: it is good we start to converge to common understanding, thanks.

For naming I think the name MergeCancel is a good one. Like we discussed above, cancellation consists not only of done channel - it also has deadline and associated error. And this name aligns well with usage of word "cancel" in other places in the package, for example with package overview, cancellation description in Context interface and with WithCancel. I certainly see MergeDone as a less good alternative.

Regarding ...Context vs ...CancelCtx in MergeCancel argument: the problem here is that once we establish signature of MergeCancel, due to backward compatibility we will likely not be able to change it later if/when we decide to introduce CancelCtx type. In other words if whole Context interface is not reduced to only cancellation part (CancelCtx) and only values part (Values), people will still have to propagate and use whole Context, even if inside a function only one part is used. This can prevent cleaner API and mislead programmers to think that whenever context is passed in, corresponding operation can be cancelled and errored out, or it can use values associated with the context where in fact it must not. This concides with what @bcmills says in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-660346551, and is also exactly the same reason as @Sajmani was pointing out in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19643#issuecomment-313447399:

In an earlier comment, I proposed defining this interface:

type Values interface {
  Value(key interface{}) interface{}

For use with a context.WithNewValues function.

It occurred to me that the ability to separate a context's values from the rest of the context (notably its deadline and cancelation) is also useful in logging and tracing. Some logging APIs want values from a context, but it is somewhat confusing to pass a Context to a Log call, since this suggests that the Log call might be canceled. With a Values interface, we can define:

func Log(vals context.Values, ...)

Which makes it clear that the logger is only consuming the values from the Context.

I hope it clarifies a bit what kind of generality we can loose if we establish cancelv ...Context instead of cancelv ...CancelCtx now.

With all that feedback

I would still like to see and appreciate feedback from @Sajmani.

It was him to raise this "separate cancellation and values concern" in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-646713844, and the way I've reworked my proposal in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-652542943 was directly due to that @Sajmani's request.

I feel we are likely to miss the bigger picture without getting feedback from Sameer, that's why I'm asking for it.

Thanks beforehand,

rsc commented 4 years ago

I spoke to @sajmani about this for a while last week. (He doesn't have much time for direct use of the GitHub issue tracker these days.)

He was in favor of defining a type:

// A NameTBD is an interface capturing only the deadline and cancellation functionality of a context.
type NameTBD interface {
        Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool)
    Done() <-chan struct{}
    Err() error

func MergeCancel(parent Context, extra ...NameTBD) (ctx Context, cancel CancelFunc)

That makes very clear that the extra parameters have no influence over the values in the result.

And then it would also make sense to do MergeValues:

type NameTBD2 interface {
    Value(interface{}) interface{}

func MergeValues(parent Context, extra ...NameTBD2) Context

Then the question is what names to use. For MergeValues and NameTBD2, context.Values seems like a good name for that interface. Having named the interface after the one method (Values not Valueser), maybe using one of the methods in the NameTBD would work for that. context.Done sounds like a predicate function, but maybe context.Deadline?

// A Deadline is an interface capturing only the deadline and cancellation functionality of a context.
type Deadline interface {
        Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool)
    Done() <-chan struct{}
    Err() error

// A Values is an interface capturing only the values functionality of a context.
type Values interface {
        Value(interface{}) interface{}

And then at that point MergeCancel would actually be MergeDeadline instead.


cretz commented 4 years ago

Alternatively, context.Valuer and context.Deadliner, or if not wanting er suffix, context.Valued and context.Deadlined (in other OO worlds, it might be "Valueable"/"WithValue" and "Cancelable"/"WithDeadline"/"WithDone"). But now that I think about it, context.Deadline and context.Values works just fine.

Also, one wonders if instead of context.MergeCancel returning (context.Context, context.CancelFunc), it would return context.Deadline and there is a context.Combine(context.Deadline, context.Values) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc). Then you could call context.Combine(context.MergeCancel(ctx1, ctx2), context.MergeValues(ctx1, ctx2)) to get deadline and values combined (and maybe that's what a context.Merge might do anyways as a shortcut), or to only merge cancels w/out values, context.Combine(context.MergeCancel(ctx1, ctx2), context.Background()) so the caller at least isn't confused on why the result of context.MergeCancel lost all of their values. Same with context.MergeValues returning context.Values instead. Granted, I'm probably overthinking it.

jba commented 4 years ago

Deadline sounds like it's some sort of time.Duration-like thing that specifies a deadline.

If you were describing a Context to someone, you would say that it holds values and also has a cancellation aspect. So Values and Cancellation sound like good names to me, even though they're not parallel.

bcmills commented 4 years ago

How would MergeCancel interact with the optimizations from #28728, given that the fast-path optimization relies on a key accessed via the Value method?

(Would we type-assert the NameTBD to check whether it has a Value method in order to facilitate a similar fast-path?)

rsc commented 4 years ago

@bcmills, yes, I guess we might have to. But at least the public API would be clear about the main requirements, and also about the fact that the extra cancellation contexts really do not affect the outgoing values.

rsc commented 4 years ago

OK, so it sounds like maybe @jba's Values and Cancellation work for people, with - I assume - MergeValues and MergeCancellation (or MergeCancel)?

Does anyone object to that? Thanks.

navytux commented 4 years ago

( I'm taking time break due to overload; I hope to review recent feedback in one month. It would be a pity to accept the proposal without proper review from original reporter. I appologize for the inconvenience )

rsc commented 4 years ago

On hold for @navytux to weigh in when convenient.

mieubrisse commented 3 years ago

Adding a quick +1 on this thread - my use-case is the same as mentioned in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-642164302 , with "server has a shutdown context and each request has its own, and have to watch both"

porfirion commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue - long running worker has it's own context and each task is supplied with another context. All this contexts don't store any values, they are used only for cancellation. In my case I have event more cancellation mechanisms in different places - contexts and channels (by closing). So I'm searching a way to combine context+context, context+chan, chan+chan. I can do it manually, but looks like a lot of people have such demands.

AtricoSoftware commented 3 years ago

+1 My use case seems slightly different to above. I have a "standard" select with cases for read channel and ctx.Done(). However, the value read will be sent to each of a collection of handlers, each one having its own context. I want to cancel the read if any of the handlers cancels (hence merged context). - At this point I will detect the cancelled handler, remove it and re read if any handlers still exist.

DmitriyMV commented 3 years ago

Kindly ping @navytux

bjwrk commented 2 years ago

If the values aren't merged, is there a risk that this proposal won't play nice with Cause()? https://github.com/golang/go/issues/51365

navytux commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone.

First of all I apologize for being silent here for so long.

I've squeezed some time tonight to reread carefully this conversation and below is how I would go further:

  1. As negotiated with @Sajmani through @rsc we split context.Context into two interfaces that represent cancellation and values. @jba suggested Cancellation and Values names, which I find good. This way we have:
// Context carries deadline, cancellation signal, and other values across API boundaries.
type Context interface {

// Cancellation is an interface capturing only the deadline and cancellation functionality of a context.
type Cancellation interface {
        Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool)
    Done() <-chan struct{}
    Err() error

// Values is an interface capturing only the values functionality of a context.
type Values interface {
        Value(key interface{}) interface{}
  1. Then for merging cancellation we establish MergeCancel:
// MergeCancel merges cancellation from parent and set of cancel contexts.
// It returns copy of parent with new Done channel that is closed whenever
//      - parent.Done is closed, or
//      - any of Cancellation from cancelv is canceled, or
//      - cancel called
// whichever happens first.
// Returned context has Deadline as earliest of parent and any of cancels.
// Returned context inherits values from parent only.
func MergeCancel(parent Context, cancelv ...Cancellation) (ctx Context, cancel CancelFunc)

MergeCancel uses ...Cancellation, not ...Context as agreed with @Sajmani in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-669342787, and in particular "That makes very clear that the extra parameters have no influence over the values in the result".

  1. For Values it was said (2) that we want to use MergeValues. However here I'm not so sure that MergeValues is a good choice. Like I explained earlier merging values is inherently custom and requires application to provide merge strategy. The proposed API of MergeValues (e.g. just recently at https://github.com/golang/go/issues/40221#issuecomment-1371695686) hardcodes builtin strategy of first parent wins. However this strategy is too limiting I think. Still with MergeCancel, Background and this MergeValues - even with this builtin simple strategy - there is a way to build any thing I think - e.g.

For the Values part I don't have strong preference of whether it is WithNewValues (as originally suggested in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-652542943) or this MergeValues. I don't have a particular use-case where merging values is necessary as my primary concern is merging cancellation. Still if values handling is needed for completeness to progress here and @Sajmani prefers MergeValues I would say I should be ok with something close to his proposal:

// MergeValues merges values of parent and set of values.
// It returns copy of parent whose Value(key) method works by merging
// parent and values by "first-win" strategy:
//      - it returns parent.Value(key) if it gives non-nil,
//      - it returns values[i].Value(key) for the minimum i where it gives non-nil,
//      - else, if no such i exists, it returns nil.
// Returned context inherits cancellation from parent only.
func MergeValues(parent Context, values ...Values) Context

Would that be ok?

I'm sorry once again for the delay with replying and I hope my message might be at least a bit useful.


neild commented 1 year ago

Looking at the original problem statement in this issue, this stands out to me:

While it is possible to implement merge functionality in third-party library (ex. lab.nexedi.com/kirr/go123/xcontext), with current state of context package, such implementations are inefficient as they need to spawn extra goroutine to propagate cancellation from parents to child.

Another example of this inefficiency is the difficulty of integrating context-based cancellation with a sync.Cond. If you want to wait on a sync.Cond and a context.Context, you need to do so in two goroutines. There have been various proposals to address this by providing a context-aware condition variable, but perhaps there's a more general solution to both these issues.

cancel := context.OnDone(ctx, func() {
  // This func is called when ctx is canceled or expires.
  // It is called at most once.
cancel() // Don't call the OnDone func, we aren't interested in it any more.
func MergeCancel(valueCtx context.Context, cancelCtxs ...context.Context) context.Context {
  ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(valueCtx)
  for _, c := range cancelCtxs {
    context.OnDone(c, cancel)
  return ctx
func CondWait(ctx context.Context, cond *sync.Cond) error {
  // The broadcast does wake other waiters on the Cond.
  cancel := context.OnDone(ctx, cond.Broadcast)
  defer cancel()
  return ctx.Err()  

I believe it should be possible to implement context.OnDone without an extra goroutine for contexts created by the context package. (Third-party contexts would require a goroutine, as is already the case for context.WithCancel.)

DmitriyMV commented 1 year ago

@neild I like this idea, but does't this looks like a separate proposal?

Sajmani commented 1 year ago

@neild I'm confused by the cancel function returned by OnDone. Does it cancel ctx, or just cancel the OnDone function? I'm assuming the latter, since OnDone doesn't return a new Context. I would expect any function registered with OnDone to be called whenever ctx is canceled. If I've got that right, we should probably name the function returned from OnDone something else to avoid confusion with the context.CancelFuncs.

adamluzsi commented 1 year ago

Would the context.Detach proposal solve the complexity of cancellation with context.Merge?

Detach + Merge -> MergeValues

If we make a WithoutValues(Context) Context func, then we can easily express merge cancellations

WithoutValues + Merge -> MergeCancellation

A small bonus is that this leans a bit towards the imperative style.

neild commented 1 year ago

@neild I'm confused by the cancel function returned by OnDone. Does it cancel ctx, or just cancel the OnDone function?

The func() returned by OnDone would make it so the OnDone function will no longer be called on the context becoming done. You're right that cancel isn't a good name for it.

Another possibility might be to say that there's no way to cancel an OnDone. You could still limit the scope of one with something like:

ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) // create a new cancel context
stopOnDone := make(chan struct{})
context.OnDone(ctx, func() {
  if _, stopped := <-stopOnDone; stopped {
// ...

A question would be what goroutine the OnDone func runs in. Synchronously with the call to the CancelFunc? Or in a new goroutine? Synchronously means an OnDone can block a CancelFunc.

powerman commented 1 year ago

@neild To me this looks both race-prone and not obvious: :disappointed:

cancel := context.OnDone(ctx, func() {
  // This func is called when ctx is canceled or expires.
  // It is called at most once.
cancel() // Don't call the OnDone func, we aren't interested in it any more.

To me MergeCancel and MergeValues as described by @navytux looks more consistent. Also I agree MergeCancel is much more important and have a lot of real use cases, so if there is no consensus about MergeValues then it's worth to accept and implement everything except MergeValues as a first step forward.

BTW, I've one real use case for MergeValues. We put into context prometheus metrics initialized by helper packages. E.g. there is helper package cool/rest used to send http requests with extra metrics/rate limiting/other cool features and it's metrics has to be initialized once and using non-global *prometheus.Registry. So, on service start it does ctxApp = rest.NewMetricsCtx(ctxApp, reg) to store that helper package's metrics in ctxApp. Next, service gets incoming gRPC call, which cames with own request-related ctx (which also contains important values related to request). And then handler of that gRPC call wanna call cool/rest for something. This call may use both some values (e.g. auth token) from ctx and metrics from ctxApp (and of course this call should be cancelled both by ctxApp - in case of service graceful shutdown, - and ctx).

rsc commented 1 year ago

This proposal has been added to the active column of the proposals project and will now be reviewed at the weekly proposal review meetings. — rsc for the proposal review group

rsc commented 1 year ago

Given that we just did errors.Join maybe this is context.Join? Or is there an argument for Merge instead?

What are the exact semantics we want for J = Join(A, B)?

For cancellation/deadlines, it sounds like we want the semantics to be that J is cancelled/timed out if either of A or B is cancelled/timed out.

For values, it sounds like we want the semantics to be either

Which one do we want? The os/exec semantics for environment are that later entries win, and on the command line if you say

foo -flag=a -flag=b

then you get b (later things win). So maybe we want Join to do the same - things later in the argument list win. That would be "A amended by B".

Is that the proposal? Do I have that right?

There was discussion above about only taking deadlines from one context, but if you want that you can use J = Join(A, Detach(B)) for example, which should be very clear.

deefdragon commented 1 year ago

Is there anything that would prevent Merge/Join from being Varadic?

I can't think of many good usages for more than 2 or 3 contexts being combined, but for 3+; when having to do multiple Join calls, geting the ordering right, and to act as expected would get confusing quite quickly.

Given that, I don't know if we should strictly limit to join being 2 argument.

edit: I stumbled across someone supporting Varadic after someone else already suggested it here, tho I don't know if it got any major discussion otherwise. This thread has gotten quite long.

navytux commented 1 year ago

@rsc, thanks for feedback.

In my view Join is about combining two things without changing what they each provide. The result contains both. For example path.Join("a", "b") -> gives "a/b", errors.Join("mistake1", "mistake2") gives "mistake1\nmistake2". Contrary to that Merge takes two things and synthesizes some third state from them. For merging cancellation I believe Merge is a better word.

Now regarding hereby proposal and about Detach (https://github.com/golang/go/issues/40221): I thought about those two problems combined together and now I believe a consistent solution should be both solving them together.

But before we continue I would like that we clearly hear from @Sajmani whether we actually need and want to do Values merging. Because depending on that there are two different schemes how to go. For the reference, as I already explained in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-1372860013 merging of values is the weakest point of current proposal.

Anyway please find below two schemes. The first one does not do nor depend on the merge for values. The second one is alternative that does values merging business and is simple, but hardcodes the strategy for how values are merged. I actually doubt that if non-trivial use case for values merging pops up, that Merge(values) would be useful.

Before we begin let me also note an analogy: a Context could be represented by vector (c, v) where c denotes cancellation and v denotes values. The Background is vacuum - (ø, ø). Then functions in context package provide operations to modify such vectors - for example WithCancel transforms (c, v) -> (c*, v) , while WithValue transforms (c, v) -> (c, v*). It is useful to think about contexts in terms of such vectors. For example Detach semantic is to transform (c, v) -> (ø, v). By the way from this point of view I would say a better name for that operation would be OnlyValues, and for symmetry we could also want to consider OnlyCancel that transforms (c, v) -> (c, ø). Those name are also in symmetry with WithValues and WithCancel operations and complement them.

Now to the proposed schemes:

First we have common part that defines Context, Cancellation and Values the same way as in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-1372860013 :

type Context interface {

type Cancellation interface { ... }
type Values interface { ... }

Scheme A (no merging of values)

then context package already has WithValue as follows:

// WithValue returns a copy of parent in which the value associated with key is val.
func WithValue(parent Context, key, val any) Context

This WithValue already specifies kind of merge strategy for values: even if key was present in parent, it is overwritten with newly provided value. So what we can do in that line is to provide new function WithValues that allows to add whole Values over parent:

// WithValues returns a copy of parent with adjusted values.
// It returns copy of parent whose Value(key) method works as follows:
//      - it returns values.Value(key) if it gives non-nil,  else
//      - it returns parent.Value(key) if it gives non-nil,  else
//      - it returns nil.
func WithValues(parent Context, values Values) Context

this is simple, goes in line with existing WithValue semantic, and allows to build Detach = OnlyValues via WithValues(Background, ctx). I think for detaching the explicit usage of Background is good because it puts an accent on that the context is rederived from background from scratch and how.

Then, having solved the problem of detach, the solution to merging cancellation comes as MergeCancel taken as-is directly from https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-1372860013

func MergeCancel(parent Context, cancelv ...Cancellation) (ctx Context, cancel CancelFunc)

Scheme B (alternative variant if we do want to "merge" values)

Alternatively if we do not want to introduce MergeCancel and want to have a single Merge that handles both cancellation and values in one go, then there is another variant:

First we start with the same common definition of Context, Cancellation and Values.

The we deploy functions that allow to select only one part of a Context:

// OnlyCancel returns new context with cancellation part taken from ctx.
func OnlyCancel(ctx Context) Context

// OnlyValues returns new context with values part taken from ctx.
func OnlyValues(ctx Context) Context

The Detach is then OnlyValues(ctx).

And if we have Merge() that handles both cancellation and values, merging-in only cancellation is then Merge(ctx1, OnlyCancel(ctx2))

The Merge definition could be taken as-is directly from https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36503#issuecomment-1372860013. In particular I suggest, if we go this way, that it uses "first-win" strategy when merging values. That is Merge(A, B) gives A.Value || B.Value. I suggest it to be this way because contrary to adjustments where later things win (e.g. WithValue(k,v) and -flag=a -flab=b in your example), in Merging the first parent is usually considered to be the primary one. But once again, I believe that "Scheme A" would be more natural and less ambiguous.

Once again I suggest to clearly decide first whether we want to do uniform Merge, that handles both cancellation and values in one go, or whether we do not delve into merging values with hardcoding a strategy and do things in more clear and less ambiguous way.

And I would also appreciate to know what @Sajmani thinks about this.


Sajmani commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the detailed outline of alternatives, @navytux

I like WithValues as the solution for merging values. There's no need to make it variadic as calls can be nested to achieve the same result: WithValues(ctx1, WithValues(ctx2, ctx3)). I agree the Values interface makes the role of the parameters clear, though if there's an objection to adding a new exported type just for that purpose, we can just use Context for both parameters and document the behavior.

I like MergeCancel but would rename it WithFirstCancel. As with WithValues, WithFirstCancel need not be variadic as calls can be nested to achieve the same result: WithFirstCancel(ctx1, WithFirstCancel(ctx2, ctx3)). We can just have func WithFirstCancel(Context, Cancellation) Context.

In the call WithFirstCancel(ctx1, ctx2) where both ctx1 and ctx2 are already canceled, we need to define which Err is returned. We have three choices: specify ctx1, specify ctx2, or say it's unspecified. Of these, I think ctx1 is the most intuitive. However, we might instead imagineWithFirstCancel(ctx1, ctx2).Err() as a select statement, in which case the choice would be random:

select {
case <-ctx1.Done():
    return ctx1.Err()
case <-ctx2.Done():
    return ctx2.Err()
    return nil

A final concern is the behavior of the new Cause(ctx) error function for Contexts merges using WithValues or WithFirstCancel. The implementation of Cause uses context values to find the nearest parent cancelCtx. (This implementation technique is also used to avoid spawning a goroutine for cancelation when there's a custom context implementation in the chain.) This implementation detail may need to be rethought for merged contexts.

neild commented 1 year ago

I do not support adding WithValues or MergeCancel, or any variant thereof.

(1) Contexts are not a good mechanism for bounding object lifetimes, which calls the motivating example into question.

Contexts carry a cancellation signal, but do not provide a corresponding completion signal to indicate when operations using the context have completed. This lack of a completion signal is by design, since a function which accepts a context signals completion by returning. The operation started by f(ctx) finishes when f returns.

This association of operation lifetimes with function calls is a primary reason why Google's Go style guidelines forbid storing contexts within other types.

In addition, contexts provide no facility for ordering cleanup operations.

These limitations make contexts a poor choice for bounding the lifetime of an object. For example, consider a file handle with an associated context which closes itself when the context becomes done. The user of this file has no way to tell when the file has been closed, and no good way to specify that one file should be closed before another. An explicit Close call is simpler and more robust, since it can ensure that cleanup has completed before returning.

The motivating example for this proposal is a service object which is instructed to shut down when a context is cancelled. This is a dubious design; a long-running object of this nature should almost certainly have an explicit Close or Shutdown operation rather than relying on a context.

It is notable that the motivating example would not be permitted in code following the Google style guidelines, because it violates the rule "do not add a context member to a struct type". Obviously, these guidelines are not the final word on Go style, but given that the context package originated in Google's codebase I find this deeply concerning.

(2) There are no clear motivating examples for combining context values.

It seems to me that we've jumped to designing a mechanism for merging values from two contexts without sufficiently understanding why this is necessary.

(3) Splitting cancellation and values adds confusion.

Separate facilities for combining context cancellation and values means that one context may inherit from another in four possible ways: Not at all, cancellation only, values only, or both. I do not understand how one will choose between these options in a principled fashion. At a minimum, before we do this I would like someone to write the style guide entry explaining how to properly use these facilities.

(4) I do not see how to implement cancellation merging efficiently.

We can implement this efficiently for first-party context implementations, but it seems to me that MergeCancel will need to start a new goroutine for each third-party context in the cancellation group.

As a more general point, I would like to see a reference implementation before any proposal here is accepted, so we can properly evaluate the amount of complexity being taken on.

(5) This proposal does not sufficiently address the functionality gap.

It is possible to implement MergeCancel in third-party code today. The motivation for this proposal is to do so efficiently, without the need to start a goroutine for each context past the first.

This is an example of a more general problem: Combining context cancellation with other cancellation mechanisms is inefficient. For example, bounding the duration of a read from a net.Conn or a wait on a sync.Cond with a context requires starting a goroutine to watch the context Done channel and propagate the cancellation signal. While goroutines are not particularly expensive in general, this can be a significant cost in the common case where operations are not canceled.

This proposal addresses the inefficiency of cancelling one context when another context completes, but it does not address cases such as cancelling an operation on a net.Conn. If we address the general case, then MergeCancel can be efficiently and simply implemented in user code.

zikaeroh commented 1 year ago

There are no clear motivating examples for combining context values.

If I may offer up a motivating example:

I have a package wqueue which orchestrates a fixed-size pool of goroutines to run functions inserted into named/ordered work queues; the specifics aren't too important, but the goroutines I'm running need to be cancelled, so all of the goroutines share a context for cancellation of the entire pool.

Separately, my application has an NSQ connection, which calls a handler for each incoming message and provides its own context with important values (like a correlation ID) and its own cancellation. If I want to handle that request via the pool, I'm now am in a situation where I have two contexts, both of which may cancel my request.

This isn't the only case, either; I also have scheduled cron-like tasks which have to perform work on the same queues, and those too have their own contexts.

I ended up writing my own library which implements what I believe Merge does (https://github.com/zikaeroh/ctxjoin), which combines two contexts together and makes it so that when either are cancelled, the derived context is cancelled.

If this doesn't go into the stdlib, I'll just keep using my package, but it was not totally trivial (100 lines) to implement, and it does seem to me to be useful.

Sajmani commented 1 year ago

I agree with the core point that @neild is making, which is: is there a clear enough need for these new APIs to justify the added complexity?

For Detach (#40221), we can find 45 reimplementations in open source code.

For Merge we see 8. Using "Find references" on these turns up few results.

Based on this, I'm not sure it's appropriate to add these functions to the standard context package at this time.